|38| Too Much

253 13 28

Hello! Hope your having a good day and doing well.

Enjoy the chapter!


After I left the room, I immediately went to order some food. I decided to place an order for my nonnas restaurant, since her food is the best. While I'm waiting on that to arrive, I have a last minute meeting to go to.

I know I told Sabrina I would spend the day with her, which I'm still going to. But I doubt for the meantime she's gonna notice I'm gone. I gave her access to my card, to spend how ever much she wants, at whatever store she wants. She can order whatever she wants, as long as she's happy about it.

I'm sitting in my downstairs office, waiting for Liliana to get here. She's great at what she does but time management is not her best skill. I look up from my phone when I hear a knock on the door. I give her a harsh 'come in' and she opens the door walking in. She takes a seat in one of the chairs.

"Where the fuck have you been? You're twenty minutes late," I tell her harshly. She rolls her eyes, crossing her legs one over the other.

"You act like I didn't show up at all. Calm the fuck down," she says, picking up a pen from my desk. She starts to click it, knowing I fucking hate it.

I take deep breath because if I don't I'm gonna kill her. I don't care how good of an assassin she is. "Watch your mouth. Remember I'm still your boss, si," I tell her, trying to keep my voice at a decent level.

"I understand," she sighs out. Good. Now we can wrap this up so I can get back to Sabrina.

"Did you finish your assignment?" I question her, flipping through the folder of the man she was supposed to kill.

She sets the pen back on my desk, giving me her full attention. "Yes. All he did was act like a scared little bitch, so it was easy enough," she states proudly. I nod, continuing to flip through the folder, setting it aside when I'm finished.

"Good. There's an important mission in Italy in a few months. One of the leaders is hosting a masquerade ball," and she nods. The next thing I say is probably going to piss her off. "You might be paired with Lorenzo," I say, her face immediately changing to disgust.

"No way. We don't work together," she states matter of factly. I'm extremely aware of this, but they're the best two I got for the job.

"I know that. But I really don't have any other options, unless I can find someone else for you to go with," I'm starting to get frustrated. I don't know why they can't put their feud aside to get shit done.

She stands up, heading straight for the door. "I hope you figure something else out, boss," she says, a little to harsh.

I know she's frustrated because she walks out the door, slamming it shut behind her. I'm not in the mood to yell at her or set her straight. I need to go check on Sabrina.

I get the text that our food is here, so I stop by the front door to grab it before heading upstairs. When I get off the elevator after reaching our floor, I head straight for our room. Maybe she's done shopping and is ready to eat. When I walk in she's still on the laptop, looking at it intensely.

"The foods here," I say, causing her to look up from the laptop. She smiles and sets it to the side of her. I take a seat next to her, taking her container of food out the bag. I hand it to her and she thanks me.

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