|32| Do What

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I hope your having a good day! 🫶🏼

Enjoy the chapter! It's going to be spicy. So if you're not in to that you can easily skip over.

I'm gonna post this and run away from my phone. I'll check y'all's comments when I build up the courage because I'm terrified. I've read so much of this stuff but I've never written it before.


I've been in the bathroom for about ten minutes contemplating what to do. What if he doesn't want to do anything like that with me? I guess I have no choice but to try.

I pull my shirt over my head, dropping it to the floor. I start unbuttoning my jeans, letting them pool at my ankles. I'm standing here now in just my black lace bra and underwear. I pull my curly hair out it's ponytail, letting it flow over my shoulders. You've got this Sabrina.

I turn around and walk to the bathroom doors. I slowly open them, walking back into the room. Angelo is sitting on the edge of the bed, with his arms resting on his thighs looking at the floor. He looks up upon hearing the door. I walk until I'm standing right in front of him.

"What do you think?" I ask him. "It appears that you unlocked a new level," and I notice the way his eyes travel up and down my body. His green eyes have completely darkened.

He grabs my ass, his fingers sliding under the fabric of my underwear. He pulls me closer, and even sitting down he's still almost taller than me.

"If I told what I think," he pauses. "Would you be able to handle it?" his says, lowly and huskily.

His voice sends a shiver down my spine and he doesn't miss it. "I would like to think I could," I tell him, making him grip my ass harder.

I know I'm playing a dangerous game but those are the most fun ones to play.

He pulls me into his lap so now I'm straddling him. He bends till he's right next to my ear. "I think you look really fucking sexy. So much, I want to fuck you in my bed till the sun comes up and back down again," he whispers in my ear.

I can feel how wet my panties are and he can probably feel them too. "What if I wanted you to do that? Would you do it?" I whisper back to him in his ear.

I can feel how hard he is as I sit on his lap. I reach behind me, unsnapping my bra. I grab it tossing it somewhere in the room.

His eyes darken even more and I almost can't make out the green in them. His fast to pick me up and turn, tossing me on the bed. He hovers over me, just looking me in the eyes.

"You look so beautiful, amore," he says, before he captures my lips with his. He kisses me deeply and I moan into his mouth.

I immediately start unbuttoning his dress shirt. Once I finish, he slides it off and tosses it to the side. I almost drool at the sight of him.

He has multiple tattoos on his chest that accompany his sleeve and hand tattoos well. I finally get a good look at the tattoo that goes close to his neck and that always peaks out his shirts. I don't think it represents anything, it just looks like a bunch of designs to me.

I take my hands, running them over his muscular chest. I trace his tattoos, loving the feel of his skin underneath my fingertips.

He stops my movements by grabbing both my hands and bringing them to his lips, kissing them gently. His bends down kissing me once before he slowly starts to kiss down my body.

"Every inch of you is simply mesmerizing, amore," he says, as he continues to trail kisses down my body.

He stops once reaching the waistband of my underwear. He looks up at me, as if silently asking for permission.

I give him a quick nod and he smiles, pulling my underwear down. I lift my body up a little to give him better access.

"What do you want me to do?" he asks. Is he trying to mess with me. He knows exactly what I want.

"You know what I want, Angelo," I tell him, feeling myself getting even more wet. He's trying to tease me like I was teasing him.

"I can't read your mind. I only know what you want if you tell me," he says lowly. He places a kiss on the inside of my leg, then looks back at me waiting for my answer. I'm starting to feel hotter down there but how do I say what I want.

I start to shift a bit, trying to decide what to say. "I want you. I want you to...," I start to trail off a little thinking what to say.

"Want me to what?" he teases me and I send a glare his way. He's still smirking at me and I know he's enjoying this.

The need for him is starting to become too much. "Fuck me, ok," I say a little louder than necessary. "I don't care how, just fuck me-," and I stop talking when I feel his lips on me.

I moan out as I feel him start to suck on my lower lips. He alternates between sucking and kissing and it feels absolutely amazing.

He sticks his tongue in making me arch my back. It feels even better when he takes his thumb and starts rubbing my clit. He's rubbing it in circles as he continues to push his tongue in and out of me.

I'm trying to wrap my head around how he's doing this, making it feel this good. I've experienced things but nothing like this before.

"You like how that feels?" he says when he pulls his mouth away. "You like how I fuck you with my tongue and fingers, amore?" and I moan in response.

He continues this until I feel the familiar buildup in my stomach. It starts to become to much, and he decides to add a finger to where his tongue was. He takes his thumb off my clit, replacing it with his mouth. That's what sends me over the edge and my whole body shakes as my orgasm hits me.

After a few moments I finally start to calm down. I look down at Angelo who sits up. He licks his mouth that is covered in my cum. He then turns his attention to his fingers, sucking them clean. Fuck me, that's hot.

He climbs back up til he's hovering over me again. He brings his lips to mine kissing me gently.

"See how good you taste," he says when he pulls away from the kiss.

I go to reach for his belt buckle but he stops me. "What about you?" I asks him and he just shakes his head smiling.

"Today was about you. We can start off slow, si?" and I nod my head.

He kisses me once more before getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom. He comes back a few moments later with a wash cloth. He gets back on the bed and gently wipes me clean. I blush at the action because this is new to me.

He tosses the wash cloth aside. He unbuckles his belt, pulling his pants off shortly after. I maneuver my way under the covers and he gets in next to me.

"Why am I the only one fully naked?" I ask him, as he spoons me from behind. I snuggle back into his chest, loving the feeling of being wrapped in his arms.

"Because if I take these off," and I know he's talking about his boxers. "I want be able to control myself," he says and I nod in understanding.

"Now sleep, amore," he whispers and I do exactly that. It's not long before I drift off. I drift off thinking about nothing but Angelo.

Guys, I want you to be honest. I've never written smut or anything like that before, so how was it. If it sucked, I'm deleting this whole chapter and I'm gonna go hide away for awhile 😂

Later y'all 💕

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