|51| Mind Games

251 8 17

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 🍦🍨
For me it's hard to choose between cookies and cream, vanilla, and y'all might call me crazy but I like mint ice cream.

Enjoy the chapter!


I walk into the in home gym that Angelo has. After we both confessed our love for each other, I needed to take a moment.

That's only because this is the first time someone has said they loved me besides my family.

I love you. His words continue on replay through my mind.

It's not till I look over at the wall mirror in the gym, do I realize how big I'm smiling. I'm smiling so big like an idiot but I don't care.

I'm happy, so I'm going to embrace it.

Keep in mind that I don't ever work out. I was just walking around when I stumbled upon this place. I had no intention on coming here but I'm here now.

I walk over to the treadmill, turning it on to the lowest speed. I get on, walking at the slow pace I have it on. This is a lot more enjoyable than I thought. Maybe, I should give it a chance more often.

"Angelo would like to see you," a deep voice speaks up from behind me.

I turn around to see a man with a gun strapped across his chest standing there. This must be one of Angelo's men. I give him an 'ok' as I turn off the machine. I get off and start to head towards the door.

But I stop dead in my tracks.

Angelo would never send one of his men to get me for anything. He would either come himself or send one of his brothers.

"Angelo didn't send you here," I tell him. He just simply responds with a wicked grin on his face.

He points his gun at me, firing a shot at me. I'm able to duck behind a rack of weights just in time. I'm glad it's not an open rack because he starts firing off continuous rounds.

I hear his footsteps walk further into the room. I crawl to the other side, making sure he doesn't notice me as I reach around the corner, grabbing one of the five pound weights.

I'm so glad that there's not a mirror on this wall, or he'll definitely be able to see me. Since the rack is so tall, as soon as he comes around the side I swing the weight into his knee cap. His knee buckles, giving me some time to swing the weight into his other knee.

He falls to the ground with a thud. When he turns over to aim his gun at me, I smash the weight down into his face.

I hear his nose crack and I hit him one more time so that he falls unconscious. Blood pours out his nose and cringe a little at the sight.

"Wow, I'm impressed. I guess Angelo didn't pick a defenseless whore after all," someone says from behind me.

I turn around to see Alexia standing there. She has a smug smile on her face as she leans against the door way.

I toss the bloody weight aside, turning to face her as I stand up. "Yeah, so that means it's a good thing he didn't want you," I shrug, crossing my arms.

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