|9| Garden Talks

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Would you rather be sticky for the rest of your life or itchy?
If I had to choose I would pick sticky I guess.
I know that was a weird question. 😝

Enjoy the chapter everyone!


After the surprise phone call from Alexia, I informed Lorenzo and Ales about it. They weren't even surprised. They already know how crazy Alexia is, especially when she doesn't get her way.

Alexia grew up with us. That's why my parents took a particular liking to her because we've known each other most of our lives.

When we were younger, Alexia bullied everyone. She bullied the kids at school and the kids in our neighborhood. Her parents were rich and always busy, so she got away with everything. They never paid any attention to her, so she took every chance to got act out.

My best friend at school, was her favorite target. Bullied him every chance she got. I tried to stop it but she would always pull the 'I'll tell your parents card' because she knew who they would side with. I didn't even have to do anything. She could make up anything and they would believe it. If news got to my father...I don't even want to think about that. So I stayed silent. Lost a good friendship, and I do regret it at times. I realize though that it was either that or risk my life basically.

I'm currently standing outside Sabrina's bedroom door. I told her I would show her the garden today last night, just before she fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, I picked her up and placed her in bed. I pulled the covers over her, making sure she was comfortable and then I left. Took all my strength to not stand there and watch her sleep peacefully. I didn't want to act like a creep.

Now, I'm taking her outside for a tour of the garden. Later, I can show her the inside of the house. It might be pointless being she's supposed to leave soon.

I don't dwell on that long as I knock on the door to her room. Its almost noon, so I'm sure she's already ate and had breakfast. After our tour of the garden, I plan to take her to lunch. Nothing like a date, just two people getting something to eat.

I know she's going to want to go home. I will discuss some things with her and if she agrees, she can go home. I hope she agrees because she doesn't need to stay here longer than necessary. She's living in a mafia house right now and she doesn't even know it. She has no clue what kind of dangers she's in just by staying here. I'm going to have to let her go eventually.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Sabrina opens the door. She's in a pretty blue sundress, with white sandals and her curly brown hair flows over her shoulders. She's simply mesmerizing. The things I would do her. I glance away, trying to clear my thoughts. Angelo, you have an amazing weapon collection. Focus on that.

"Well, hello to you," she says and I look up to the sound of her voice. Her voice is simply beautiful and I could listen to it all day if possible. She walks out, closing the door behind her as she stands next to me. I realize I haven't said a word. Say something idiot.

"Hi," I slowly take her in. "Um, you look pretty in that dress," I continue to say and I can see a faint blush take over her face. Well, I guess I'm doing something right.

"Thank you. I appreciate the clothes you sent this morning," she says as we begin to walk down the hallway. I figured she would need a change of clothes, so I had Ales gather some clothes he thought would work. He has a great fashion sense and I know he did a better job than I would have. I'm not saying my style is shit, it's just I'm not good when it comes to that type of stuff towards women. I'm good at...let's just say, other things.

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