|23| Awake

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Hey, how's your day going. I hope you're doing well! ❤️

Enjoy the chapter!


I slowly blink my eyes open, trying to adjust to the harsh light. Things are slightly blurry, and my eyes set on Lorenzo sitting by my bed. What's he doing here? Wait a second. It's just then that I realize I'm back at Angelo's house. Everything comes crashing back to me. I screwed up the plan and was stabbed as a result.

I look around the room and immediately spot Lorenzo sitting in a chair by my bed. He's scrolling on his phone, so I clear my throat to get his attention.

He looks up from his phone, then turns it off giving me his full attention. "Good. You're finally awake," Lorenzo says, and I give him a slight nod in acknowledgement.

"How long have I been out?" I ask him, as I try to sit up. A sharp pain shoots through my side causing me to grunt in pain.

"Almost a week," he stands, coming to stand beside me. "How are you feeling?" he asks me sincerely.

"Well, not to bad for someone who got stabbed," I say, trying to joke. I laugh a little but stop when I realize he's not laughing with me. Yeah, probably not a good time to be making jokes.

Angelo chooses at that moment to walk into the room. When he sees me awake, I see relief flash through his eyes. Lorenzo takes this as he cue to leave. He walks to the door but stops before walking out.

"I said we'd be lucky if you got shot. You got stabbed instead. You always seem to do the opposite of what people say," he says, and give him a smile. With that, he walks out the door.

I notice that Angelo's still just standing there. I gestures for him to grab a chair and take a seat.  Angelo pulls up a chair sitting next to me. I don't even know where to start. Or what the next step between us is. He instantly takes my hands in his. His hands are so warm together with mine. "How are you, amore?" is the first thing he says.

"I'm ok," I decide on keeping it short and he nods. "I'm really sorry. If I would've listened, we wouldn't be in this predicament," I tell him. Which is true. I wanted to be stubborn and got me nothing but a stab wound. Yay me.

"Well sometimes we are told things that are for our own good and are to keep us safe," he says and I nod. "It's not your fault though. Don't blame yourself," and he gives me a look telling me not to argue with him.

Then my mind goes to my brother. I do remember them shooting him, and taking him in. I worry if he's ok but only because he's my brother. "Where's Jacob?" I ask him. I already know the answer but I decide to ask anyways.

"He's downstairs. Still won't talk," he grumbles out clearly not wanting to talk about him.

"At some point," I start off. "I would like to go see him," I say with a firm voice. I need to talk to him and I will. He looks hesitant at first but nods nonetheless.

We sit there in silence for awhile. I look at him and seems to be deep in thought. I think I know what he's gonna say.

"Sabrina, I'm sorry. For what I did after our date," he says, running a hand over his face. Sorry?

"Angelo," I say his name. "I had a great time that night. And after everything that happened here, you come get me, just to drop me off at my house saying it was all nothing," I take a deep breath. "That hurt, Angelo," and I look up at him.

The pained expression on his face almost makes me feel bad. That was his decision though, so he needs to own up to it.

"I know. I thought I was keeping you safe by taking you home. I tried to distance myself but I went about it the wrong way," he runs his thumbs over my knuckles.

I take a moment to think over his words. I can see it in his face how sorry he is. But that doesn't mean I'm obligated to forgive him right away.

"Would you help me stand?" and he immediately gets up to help me. I swing over the edge of the bed slowly. He grabs me by the hips, helping me stand. I would be lying if I said I didn't like the warmth his hands bring to my skin through large gown I'm wearing.

I give him a curt 'thank you', making my way to the bathroom. I'm taking like one step per minute, but this is gonna help me build my strength back up. So with that in mind, I push through the sharp pain in my side. After like five minutes, I finally reach the bathroom.

"Angelo," I say and he looks up at me. "I'm not going to forgive you right now. You're going to have to work for it," and with a smile, I close the bathroom door.

I'm glad he apologized. But I've learned not to forgive so easily. That people can so easily say they're sorry but not have no meaning to it at all.

With some struggle, I'm able to take a nice shower. I'm not able to stand there long, just long enough to wash my body and to let the warm warm relax my stiff muscles. When I step out, I slide on my underwear and a simple dress since it's the easiest to put on. Apparently, nothing has been touched. All my clothes that Ales and Angelo got me are still here.

When I walk out the bathroom, I notice that Angelo's gone. I meant what I said. He needs to prove that he deserves my acceptance of his apology. I walk to my bed, slowly getting under the covers. I've been knocked out for week, yet I'm still tired. I pull the covers up just as Ales walks in.

"I'm glad you're alive," he says taking a seat next to the bed. "How are you?" he smiles at me.

"I'm doing fine," I tell him. "Just sore," I shift to get comfortable. It's really sore.

"I'm guessing you talked to Angelo. When I went to his office just a bit ago, he seemed grumpier than usual," and I fight a smile.

"He wanted to apologize for what he did the night Vincent attacked. I told him I wasn't going to forgive him yet. That he has to work for it," I state rather proudly.

"Oh, that's amazing. I can't wait to watch him beg like a puppy," he starts laughing and I join in.

"I wish we could talk but I have things to do. If I don't do it, Angelo's going to get mad at me," he stands up. "Oh. I almost forgot," he says pulling something out his pocket. He gently places my phone in my lap. Oh, how I've missed it. I smile at him great fully, which he returns. With that he walks out my room.

I can catch up on my reading now. I mean, I can't really do much until my stab wound heals. I turn on my phone, seeing all the missed calls and texts from my family from when I was missing. I probably need to clarify I'm ok now since I've been gone for a week. I don't want them to think I'm missing again. I quickly text my parents, letting them know that I'm perfectly fine. Well, I'm technically not. But I can't necessarily tell them I got stabbed.

Emilia walks in and I flash her a bright smile. "Hey, Emilia," I say, settling my phone to the side. She comes and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I'm glad you're ok. I was worried when I heard what happened," she says, frowning a little but replacing it with a sad smile.

"I'm fine. A stab wounds not gonna take me out," I pat my side, instantly regretting it because it hurts like a bitch.

Emilia laughs at my stupidity, causing me to join in. "Well I'll be taking care of you till you get better. I'll bring you some food," she stands up, heading for the door. "I'll be back soon," and with that she walks out the door, leaving me alone again.

I sit back against the head board, just thinking about things. And I can't help but wonder how Angelo plans on fixing things.

Do you think Sabrina is doing the right thing by not forgiving him easily?

Let me know your thoughts and I hope you liked the chapter.

Later y'all 💕

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