|50| True Feelings

240 7 18

Hello, I hope you're doing well and have a good day! 🫶🏼

Enjoy the chapter!


"It's good you called me when you did, you were on the verge of having to get your leg amputated," the doctor tells me. "You lost a lot of blood, but I do advise that you try to move around to help with the circulation," he says at last.

I nod my head once, as he gathers his stuff and leaves. I scoot myself further up against the headboard, grunting from the stiffness in my leg.

This is not the worst injury I've had. I've been shot more times than I can count. The closest I've come to dying was when I was shot right above my stomach. It was deal gone wrong and the guy didn't want to pay up for the shipment he requested. So naturally, chaos erupted. If he would shot me a little more to the left, it would've hit my heart and I'd be dead.

Loud voices start coming from the hallway and I stop so I can listen.

"I should go in first, I'm clearly his favorite brother," I hear Ales say.

"In your fucking dreams. You're the youngest and therefore, the most annoying one. Plus, you always get your way," I hear Lorenzo respond to him.

I actually agree with him. Ales didn't always get what he wanted when we were kids but for the most part he did.

But there's only one person that should come in here before anyone else.

They continue to bicker back and forth outside the door. Until that sweet voice I always love to hear intervenes.

"Both of you need to stop. I think I know who should go in," Sabrina says. She waits a few moments before continuing. "Me."

Before I hear any protest, she barges into the room and slams the door in their faces. She leans against the door, then looks up to me with a bright smile. She walks over to bed, taking a seat right next to me.

If only she'd move closer so I could pull her into my lap. It's been awhile since I've just simply held her. And if I don't anytime soon, I just might lose it.

"What did the doctor say? Are you okay?" is the first thing she asks.

Worry crosses all over her features as she looks at me. Her eyebrows are in a frown and I can't get over how cute it makes her look.

"I loss a lot of blood but I'll be fine. Just need to move more to help with my strength and the stiffness," I tell her.

She blows out a breath. "I'm glad it's okay. That you're okay," she says softly.

I grab her soft hands in mine, rubbing small circles on the back of them. I want nothing more than to kiss the hell out of her. Then flip us over so I can fuck her until she screams my name for everyone in this damn house to hear.

So that they know that she's mine. And that I'm not letting her go.

Even though she says that she forgives me, I'm still no going to rush anything on her. I'll still giver her time. Even though, I'm not a very patient man. At least, not when it comes to her.

"Angelo...," she starts but trails off.

I continue rubbing circles on her hands. "Yes, amore?" I ask.

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