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"So lavender tea and never coffee?" Theo repeated back to me.

"Correct, and she will take forever to drink it too, so using a heating charm on her mug always helps." I noted as I did my best to read my potions textbook.

Apparently we never agreed on a time and place to talk about 'operation true love' as Theo calls it. So I found myself cornered in the library by the Slytherin. I had hoped to get more revising done before my potions lesson tomorrow but that didn't seem to be going all to well.

"Wow, you are like an expert." Theo sighed out, his smile causing deep dimples to form in his cheeks. His shoes were firmly set on the table and he tilted his chair back on two legs.

"Fall you idiot." I said to myself.

"Yeah well, I've known her since she was born. You tend to pick up on things the more time you spend with people, ya know?" I said out loud.

Theo set his chair back in place, leaning forward towards me with his hands on the table now.
"So you two never?" He asked.

At first I didn't know what he was insinuating, but the way his eyebrows were cocked made me get the hint rather quickly.
"No- no never!" I reassured him.

Theo laughed, slapping my back with a friendly but harsh pat.
"It's alright mate, I was only wondering." He chuckled out loud, gaining every set of eyes in the library.

I shrunk in my seat at the attention, I wasn't used to so many people looking directly at me.

"Nott." A cold voice called out.

Now I wasn't shrinking, I was frozen. I was either frozen or shaking, to be honest I blacked out completely.

"Yes dear Draco?" Theo asked, fluttering his eyelashes at Malfoy.

I was in shock.

If anyone other than Theo Nott did something like that to Draco, he'd have him killed on the spot. And yet right now in front of me I'm seeing Theo mess with Malfoy as if it was nothing. The craziest part of all was Draco's attitude about the situation.

Here was my bully of 7 years, standing here, taking Theo's nonsense like a champ and fully ignoring myself. Normally he was jumping at an opportunity to mess with me, and yet it was like I wasn't even here.

"I need you at tryouts early on Friday, Blaise has something he needs to do so you have to fill in as co captain because I'm not fucking doing it." Draco ordered.

It sounded so straight to the point, cold even.

"You got it." Theo replied, a bright toothy grin plastered on his face.

"Oh yeah, after party too and whatever." Draco noted as he walked away, not waiting for a reply.

"Cool." Theo said mostly to himself while he watched Draco walk away. He went back to playing with his rings like nothing had happened.

I couldn't help myself, I was too curious-

"Are you two always like that?" I asked.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now