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I woke up early again. What I said last night was true, I've had nightmares since Holidays started.
And they haven't stopped.

I couldn't bother Theo with my problems, not when he had so much on his shoulders already. An owl pecked at the window. At first I thought it may be from Blaise, I'd sent him a letter after Theo showed up on my doorstep explaining that he's safe. But the closer I got I recognized it to be Seamus'. I smiled excitedly as I opened the letter.

"What's got you so smiley?" Theo asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs, he was still rubbing sleep from his eyes. When he sat beside me on the couch he let out a long yawn.

Theo described me as cute when I'm tired.
I'd describe Theo differently.
When Theo was tired- he was sexy.

I shook my head in hopes of erasing my dirty mind.
"I got a letter from Seamus. He said all of our mates are getting together at his." I explained. I smiled down at the letter again before setting it aside.

"You want to go- don't you?" Theo asked.

The thought hadn't even crossed my mind.

"Okay, let's go then." Theo said matter of factly, standing up and reaching out to me.

I waved my hands up in defense, unsure of where he got such an insane idea.
"No- we can't. Your dad-"

"Isn't there. Seamus lives in a muggle town, right?" Theo asked certain about his choice.

"Well yeah but-"

"Then we'll be fine, plus your mates seem nice. I'm sure they won't say anything if we ask." He sounded so sure, and so cheerful. It was a stark difference from yesterday when he seemed so hazy, but today he was happy.
But was he?

It felt like a ominous cloud was surrounding him. It hung just above him, not harming him but instead constant reminding him of a storm that could tear through him at any point. No person could truly feel safe and joyful under all that pressure.



"You're going to be okay when holidays end, right?"
I questioned. I wanted to hear his answer but I also knew the truth already.

Theo's smile fell. He bit his cheek nervously while avoiding my eyes. Then it made sense. Like Blaise had said before, he was acting like his life was going to be over.

"We shouldn't take risks just because you feel like it won't matter in the end. It does matter, your father beat you for Muggle literature. If he found out about us-"

Theo held onto my hands to comfort me. Pulling me up to stand with him.
"He wont find out. I'm not trying to be reckless,
I just- I want a day where we can be normal.
Just one day."

I thought about it for a long moment, then I looked back up at Theo's face. He was giving me puppy dog eyes and even pouting out his bottom lip jokingly.
"Are you embarrassed of me Neville?"

"Shove off." I laughed, pushing him playfully. Theo wrapped his big arms around me, bringing me in close to his chest. He leaned down into my ear, whispering in his oh so intoxicating deep voice.

"We could shower together before we go." He offered.

I felt my whole body heat up at the thought of it. I didn't reply, simply took his hand in mine and dragged him up stairs with me.
"I'll take that as a definitely." He chuckled as he let me tug him along.


When I stepped out of Seamus' fireplace my mates jumped in excitement.

"Neville! We didn't know if you were coming or not." Dean exclaimed.

Him, Seamus, and Ginny were sitting around a game of monopoly. The smell of hot chocolate circulated the room, and Seamus' house was decorated floor to ceiling in Christmas decorations.

"Y-yeah, I decided to come last minute. Well, technically Theo persuaded me."

"Theo?" They all questioned in unison.

He quickly stepped out of the fireplace behind me, looking around the room with an expression of awe.
"Wow Irish people love Christmas huh?" He stated with a smile.

"Neville what the hell? I thought you were done with him?" Seamus exclaimed. All three of my mates stared daggers in Theo.

"Awww you told your mates about me?" Theo said in a sing song voice, wrapping his arms around me from behind. It was a smart move, putting me in between him and Ginny. She looked like she was about to hex Theo into oblivion.

"It's okay, we talked things out. We are good now, but please don't tell anyone. His father still can't know." I explained.

"Then what's the point?" Dean challenged.

"Because I love him." Theo stated bluntly and proudly. Everyone in the room was immediately silenced. Their looks softened slightly.
"I'm sorry I hurt him, and I apologize-but he's most likely going to be hurt again. But I love Neville and I might not deserve him but I want to appreciate every chance I have left with him."

Ginny stood up from her spot, she strode up to Theo with her fists clenched. She let out a long sigh then offered her hand to shake, Theo hesitated for a moment then shook her hand excitedly. She then squeezed his hand harshly, pulling him in closely.
"If I find out you're lying, and your feelings aren't genuine, I'll do much worse than tell your father."

"I don't doubt it, I'd actually thank you for it." Theo replied.

Ginny nodded and walked back to her spot. Theo wiggled his fingers that Weasley had crushed, surprised how much damage she could do with a single hand. He was thankful she didn't do worse.

"So, board games?" I asked, attempting to ease the awkward tension.

Seamus, Ginny, and Dean shared a mischievous look.

"Well actually- we were thinking we'd have a friendly snowball fight." Seamus exclaimed.

"Sounds fun!" Theo said enthusiastically.

Everyone in the room laughed and he looked down at me in confusion.
"Aw sweet innocent Theo." I chuckled, patting his back before following everyone else outside.

"Should I be afraid right now?" He asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh very, because if Ginny hurt your hand simply shaking it, wait till she sends a snowball full speed at your face." I explained, Theo caught up to me, intertwining our hands together as we walked.

He shivered at the thought.
"Yeah, I think I'll be on her team then."

I bumped him playfully.
"Hey, you don't want to be on my team? You know I played quidditch a little bit this year."

"Yeah and you had a shit teacher too." Theo laughed.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now