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"Where's Theo?" Dove asked as I slumped face down in her bed.

"In the shower." I replied, my voice muffled by her sheets.

Her bed.
Her room.

Dove was always welcome here, the extra guest room my uncle slept in from time to time had transformed into Dove's after so many years of friendship between us. It was similar to her real room she shared with Luna, but far less messy or cluttered.

Dove was always welcome, but was Theo?

The nerves of Holidays ending, Theo's father, and the navigating a secret relationship had over shadowed the real thing I should have been worrying about. My Nan returned home tomorrow and I wasn't sure how she'd react to news of my prolonged sleep over.

"I know you aren't okay, so I'm not going to ask a stupid question like- how are you doing. But-"

"But you are going to anyway?" I quickly reply.

Dove huffed before sitting up cross cross, I followed suit and faced her. She took both my hands in hers as she looked at me with a serious expression.

"I just want to be sure that the pain you are about to go through is worth it. I'm well aware Theo isn't a terrible bloke that's out to get you or anything, it's just- I fear for you. You've had so much taken from you, I don't want to see you lose yourself." Dove explained.

I didn't reply right away, I wanted to, but I didn't. Something about what she said felt so familiar to me. So I sat on her worries for a moment to fully process them.

"You won't lose me." I finally replied.

She looked taken back, like I had revealed her darkest secret. Then she seemed apologetic.
"No- Neville it's not about me. It's about-"

"But it is though. You care very deeply about me and I care about you. If we didn't then you wouldn't be worrying about me like this and Blaise wouldn't be so worried about Theo. You're both our best mates but, the more you speak about Theo and I losing ourselves, the more you both reveal what you are truly scared of." I explained.

Dove stared at me for a moment then her eyes welled with so much emotion that I thought she'd burst.

"I am- I'm so scared Neville." She choked, it took but a few seconds for her to throw herself into my arms. She was sobbing uncontrollably but all I could think of was to smile and comfort her.

So many times I was the fuck up, I was the weak one. She was my rock, she acted like an older sister of sorts. Dove was my protector but I'd forgotten I was hers. So though she may be almost a foot taller than me, and her voice was heard over mine. Here she was needing me.

"Luna is my blood, but you're my family Neville. Even when everyone made jokes about us getting married I thought to myself hey, that doesn't sound too bad. Because I'd get to be by your side forever. I don't want you getting hurt, and I don't want you to leave me behind either." She cried.

"I won't Dove, I swear. You and I are forever remember?" I hummed.

The sound of a camera clicking pulled Dove and I from our emotional moment. I looked up to see Theo with my camera and a mischievous grin.

"You rat Theodore Nott! I was crying you bastard!" Dove exclaimed as she shot up off the bed and chased him around the room.

"Fuck you're fast!" He laughed


The night melted into early morning. Dove was sleeping soundly on the couch while Theo and I sat together on the loveseat. Our limbs tangled and our bodies pressed closely.

"These cookies turned out good." Theo hummed as he ate his 5th one. I looked up at him fondly.

He was a mess, internally and externally. His trauma weighed heavy on his shoulders and our relationship would never be easy or perfect. But despite that and the crumbs littering his jumper,
I choose him. I want him.

"You're the messiest eater I've ever met." I chuckled.

He looked down at all the crumbs. He could have easily wiped them away or even used a cleaning spell but instead he flicked them onto me playfully.

"You're a prat-"

I couldn't finish yelling at him because he dipped his head in to kiss me, his hand gently holding my chin in a way that made my skin tingle. When he pulled away. Which I wish he wouldn't have, he stared deeply into my eyes.

"I heard you- earlier today. You said Blaise was scared of losing me and how Dove feels the same about you."

"Oh?" I inquired.

"He'd been so distant lately, I figured I'd done something wrong or maybe he was just growing bored of me. I felt him slipping away from me and it made me so scared, and yet I didn't fight for him." Theo sighed.

"Theo, he was just worried about you is all."

"I know... I may or may not have found his letters in your room and read them." Theo admitted.

I sat up and looked down at him in shock.
"That's such an invasion of privacy Theo, what if I-"

"Oh come off it Neville, in a normal scenario you have absolutely nothing to hide. Except maybe those Japanese comics I saw in your drawer- the ones with the boys kissing and-"

"Okay! I get it!" I huffed as I fell beck into the chair with my face covered. Theo leaned back with me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him.

"Regardless, I read them. At first I wanted to be mad at him for lying to me. Then I was mad he made you lie to me, but then I was relieved."

"Relieved?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that he cares as much as I do. That we are really brothers. I tried so hard not to get too attached to people because I was scared they'd leave me, but with Blaise and Pansy I felt like they would always be there. I guess it was just nice to know that's how they felt as well. I'm sure you'd noticed how poor we are with communication and feelings, so it was just nice getting that clarity." Theo explained. He wore a warm smile as he spoke.

"They really love you, trust me, they have threatened me many times." I replied with a soft chuckle. Theo laughed in return, not surprised to hear his mates had done so.

"You know- I was scared to go against my father because Id never be able to do it alone. But the thing is, I've never been alone. Now I'm not as scared, because I'm the least alone I've ever been in my whole life." He said softly, his cheek pressed against the top of my head.

I thought about what to say next but Theo's breathing slowed and I knew he was fast asleep. I intertwined my hand with his before I too fell into a peaceful slumber.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now