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TW: emotional and physical violence

•Theo's POV•

A knock at the door woke the three of us up the next morning.

"Who in Merlin is disturbing my beauty sleep?" Dove huffed from the couch.

Neville stretched and yawned from beside me. He was so cute in the morning. He was cute all the time but especially when he was sleepy. His eyes were heavy and he rubbed them this the back of his jumper sleeve.

"It's probably just my Nan's neighbor, she likes to drop off sweets for Christmas." He explained before sliding off the chair.

I fell back into the blankets we buried ourselves in, it was still warm where Neville was and I was still so tired. I'd almost fallen back asleep before I heard something that made me want to vomit.


then silence.

Dove and I locked eyes and she shook her head no. I didn't care though, nothing was going to stop me.

"NO! Theo don't!" She yelled as she chased after me out the front door.

Standing outside in the fresh snow was my father. He looked unshaven and unshowered, his tired eyes told me he had been up for days and the way he rocked around told me he'd been drinking again.

His arm was tightly locked around Neville's neck and his wand was firmly placed to Neville's throat.

"You should have run out the back." Dove scoffed under her breath from behind me.

"Yeah- he should have." My father spit. Neville was barefoot and shivering but the pain in his eyes wasn't for himself, it was for me.

I put my hands up in defense as I took a step towards them, his arm tightened around Neville's neck so I stopped moving forward.
"I'll go with you, just let him go." I pleaded.

He chuckled darkly. The type of laugh that said he feared nothing, like someone would do if they knew they had won and they have absolutely nothing to lose.

"You will come with me, there is no denying that fact. Though, how to keep you two apart is the real question." He spoke.

My jaw tightened.

"Ah. So it is true, my son really is a pathetic mistake of a wizard. Dating a boy? You know I'd never allow such disrespect on the Nott family name." His voice like venom. As if I was the worst thing that had ever happened to him.

I could feel Dove losing herself behind me. Neville mouthed out 'I'm okay' to her.

"How did you find out?" I asked, not really caring. I just needed time to assess the situation. My father was capable of many things and killing wasn't something he'd avoid to get what he wants.

"That plump receptionist at St' Mungos hospital. She seemed to remember you with great detail, was very helpful. At first I thought she'd mistaken you for someone else as she described you as the Longbottom's boyfriend."

The way he said boyfriend with such malice made my skin crawl. He was hateful, angry, and drunk. I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of this one, let alone get Neville out of this.

"It was all me, he didn't want me. He tried telling me to leave him alone but I didn't. Let him go, it's me you want anyway." I attempted to lie.

His arm loosened but I wasn't relieved. He gripped Neville's hair and pushed him down to his knees. His wand was pointed directly into Neville's back.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now