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"There you are." Theo said as he slipped into my room, smiling at Blaise and I.

"I'll let you two talk." Blaise noted before slipping away.

Theo had the decency to wait for Blaise to leave before he tackled into the bed.
"Theo Merlin, enough tackling today!"

"I can't help it, I'm so incredibly happy!" Theo exclaimed, pulling me into him so that my face was buried in his chest. The scent of lemons filled my senses but it wasn't just that. It also smelt like..


The lavender my Nan used to clean my jumpers, the cookies Dove baked, sure the Lemon was there but it was now mixed with everything that felt familiar and comforting. Theo was familiar and comforting.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked, noting my expression falling.

"Nothing." I replied swiftly.

Theo pulled away slightly to get a better look of me. His eyes wandered my face as he tried to figure out what was wrong without making me say it.
He couldn't.

"It's not nothing, I can tell."

I pushed myself off the bed and stood with my arms crossed.
"I dunno Theo, I'm just scared I guess."

Theo stood up as well, taking my hands in his as he tried to soothe me.
"Scared how? There's nothing to be scared of anymore. My dad is gone and there's nothing holding us back anymore."


"Exactly?" Theo asked. He was genuinely lost and it was aggravating in the worst way.

"Don't you understand you big idiot, you're free now. You can date any wizard you want now." I explained, my voice heightened and angry now.

Theo looked back at me, complete shock written on his face. Then a smile, that stupid fucking smile.

"I'm the idiot?" He questioned with a laugh.

"Yes." I said sternly.

He tilts his head, that fucking head tilt he always does with a cheeky grin.
"You're the idiot if you think I'd want anyone other than you Neville Longbottom." His voice was low, It sent a shiver down my spine.
"Want is such a pathetic word." He whispered into my ear.

His warm breath against my skin made me freeze in place, my eyes fluttered shut giving up to him as he pressed a kiss against my temple.

"Desire maybe?"

He kisses my forehead.


A kiss to my cheek.

"Demand." He said plainly. I opened my eyes to see him looking back at me. His eyes were less dark and more longing, like he was waiting for a sign to act on his feelings.

"Are you sure? Me out of Merlin knows how many people will line up. Me?" I asked.

"You, only you. It's always been you and it always will be you." Theo

Then we were kissing.

We've kissed before, we've snogged and shagged but this was different. It was like it was just us, only us.
I guess that's the truth though. It's him and I against the world.

When we pulled away to take a breath we smiled at each other. I love him and he loves me, but we didn't have to say it. We knew it already, we say it enough.

"I'm leaving." He said.

My heart sunk and Theo noticed immediately.

"No-no, I just mean. I'm going to go back with Des and Blaise, figure some things out before school starts again." He said as he pulled me into a tight hug, kissing the top of my head.
"I'll owl you relentlessly and I'll see you on the train back to Hogwarts."

"You better." I hummed. Hugging him as close as I could, not wanting to ever let him go again.

"You'll regret those words when I'm bombarding you with annoying letters three times a day." He chuckled.

"There's nothing you could do to scare me away Theodore Nott." I replied.

He pulled away from me, taking my hands in his again. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles as he but his cheek nervously. He let out a long sigh before looking back up to me.

"Teddy, I'd like it if you called me Teddy. I mean if you want to, I call you Nev so I figured-"

"Teddy. It suits you." I said as I got used to the nickname rolling off my tongue.

"Shit." Theo sighed out. I laughed at him and he shook the thoughts from his head.
"Sorry, I don't know why that did something to me...."

"Teddy." I stated again, stepping on my tip toes to peck his lips.
"Teddy Teddy Teddy." I repeated.

"Stop or I'm going to have to-"

"Theo!" Blaise called from downstairs.

Theo- or- Teddy let out a exasperated sigh. Pressing his forehead into mine as we both laughed. There was tears involved as well but neither of us brought that up.

I knew it probably seemed pathetic. We would see eahcother again after new years. Yet it hurt letting him go. Letting him walk away again after going through so much to be together, it drove me mad. But I knew I had to let go. I had to allow him to figure things out before he could come back to me.

I had to trust he was going to come back to me.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, though it came out more of a whisper.

His hand slipped from mine as he turned towards the door. He glanced at Bowie whom was still on my bed.
"You watch out for him for me alright?" Theo said to his pet. The bowtruckle made a small noise that seemed to be some sort of reply or agreement before Theo was gone for real.

Then I was alone again.

I of course had Dove, my grandmother, and now Bowie.

Yet it didn't feel enough anymore. Not when I had a taste of being loved by such a person. Such an amazing person. If this didn't work out I was certain I could never love again.

It was going to work out. It had to.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now