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"No I won't shove off, where are you taking him?" Theo exclaimed.

"We were just going to eat some chocolate frogs, no big deal." Richie replied, a pleasure in his voice again. The tone his voice had when he was toying with Theo.

"Neville doesn't like Chocolate frogs." Theo stated plainly. It was obvious he wasn't backing down now.

Richie looked back at me a wide grin growing on his face. Not a look of admiration but a delight that was laced with malice. His attention snapped back towards the Slytherin in front of us.

"Think I'm going to hurt him Theo? Break his little heart?" Richie questioned. "Like I did to you?"

The silence that fell over the three of us was long and painful. I wasn't only processing Richie's words but also Theo's reaction.

"Shut up." Theo stated.

"What if I actually like Neville huh? I'd never do to him what I did to you Nott. Don't worry."

"Shut the fuck up." Theo was stepping towards Richard now but that didn't stop the Gryffindor from continuing to run his mouth.

"Neville's not as easy as you Theo, he doesn't just fuck everything that breathes like you do. You're a whore, and yet it was so easy to get you to fall in love with me. So easy to lure you in that one night. So easy to get into your pants."

Theo had Richie by the collar now, his fist pulled back as if he were to punch him any second.
"I said shut the fuck up, you said you wouldn't ever speak of it again." He was desperate now.

I was frozen in place.
Too much to process so little time. Nothing could have ever prepared me for any of this information.

"Hanging this secret over your head isn't as fun anymore. My real revenge is ruining your reputation, I want your father to hate you so much that he disowns you. Then neither of us will have dads, remember, because yours killed mine?"

"That wasn't my fault, his blood isn't on my hands. Why ruin my reputation? Why mess with Longbottom?" Theo questions.

"Is it so inconceivable that I might actually fancy Neville?" Richard asked. "And besides, dating him seems to make you suffer. So win win."


Theo's and Richie's attention turns to me.

"No, we aren't dating." I repeat.

"What the fuck did you say?" Richie asks. His expression is that of shock.

Though he already said everything I needed to hear to know if never want to be around him ever again. He was a bully.
I hate bullies.

"I said I'm not going to date you. I'm sorry about your dad but that doesn't justify you hurting Theo the way you did." I explained.

"Maybe you didn't hear right, his father killed my-"

I put a hand up to silence him.
"Just because you are a Gryffindor doesn't mean you are just automatically a good person. You have to earn it. Hurting people isn't brave, it's weak.
You are fake person Richard.
You are weak, and that's all anyone will think about you if you tell Theo's secret."

Richard scoffed, throwing his hands up in annoyance.
"I didn't want to date you either, I was just doing it because I knew Nott wanted you."

The words barely left Coote's mouth before Theo was punching him.

"Shit shit SHIT!" I gasped as the two of them essentially beat the Merlin out of each other.

It got to the point where Richie had also gotten some punches in but he went down easily. Theo had him pinned to the cobblestone and he wasn't stopping.
I froze.
I shouldn't have, I should have tried to stop them.
But I didn't.

The next thing I know Blaise is sprinting passed me, diligently pulling Theo off of Richard. Theo did as Blaise asked. Breathing heavily but looking directly at Zabini as he spoke.

"Hey, breathe. It's over." Blaise said over and over.

"What happened here?" Luna asked from beside me, appearing basically from no where. Her purple lipstick was smudged and I had just noticed Zabini had a fair amount of the same purple shade around his lips and neck.

"Fuck Blaise. I told you to keep an eye on him and you were off snogging Lovegood?" Theo huffed.

"I'm sorry, but now isn't the time." Blaise said as he pointed towards some teachers approaching the scene.

"I can't get in trouble again Blaise, my father he'll-"

"Follow me, they won't find us." I stated, interrupting Theo's worry.

Theo looked up at me, studying me. I had slightly broken his trust, I didn't blame him. But it hurt knowing I caused a rift in our friendship. Then he looked towards Blaise for confirmation.

"Go you knob! We'll cover you here." Blaise shouted as he pushed Theo towards me.

The second Theo faced me I reached for his hand, pulling him in the direction of the lake.

"What's going on here?!" Mcgonagall exclaimed, she was in utter shock of the scene in front of her. Richard was just now lifting himself off the ground into a sitting position. His nose was spilling blood onto his shirt and his lips were cut and bruised.

"Professor- Theodore Nott, he attacked me." Richard sputtered. I'm obviously putting on a good show.

"My word." Flitwick announced, just now arriving onto the scene.

Mcgonagall looked around at the students in front of her, noting that Theodore was not present.
"Coote, who did you say attacked you?" She questioned.

"It was Theod-"

"Well that would be me." Luna chimed in, she held a pleasant look on her face while she looked the Professor in the eyes.

"No, that's not true! It was-"

"She's telling the truth Professor, Luna has a deep connection with the moon you see. The phases have ended and she's in deep need of a recharge, she's really quiet cranky." Blaise interrupted Richard once more. He patted Luna on the head as she nodded.

Flitwick and Mcgonagall looked between one another, Flitwick shrugging his shoulders to show he wasn't sure either. Then they looked back at the students.

"Regardless of the moon phases, I'm going to have to give you detentions miss Lovegood." Flitwick noted. "Perhaps you can walk mister Coote to the-"


All eyes locked on Richard again.

"I lied, I fell." He continued.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now