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I stepped aboard the Hogwarts express nervously. I'd ridden this train 4 times a year every year since I was 10 and I here I was so nervous I could throw up.

Teddy did indeed owl me relentlessly while he stayed with the Zabinis. He'd told me he loved me and missed me a million times over and yet I still feared he'd change his mind.

"Neville!" Ginny cheered as I entered the compartment. Dean, Seamus, Luna, and Ginny were all sitting inside. They smiled and chatted as they always did. Dove and I took our seats, greeting everyone and asking how their holidays went.

"Neville, my father has written an article about Theodore's father." Luna blurts out randomly.

Seamus leans off his seat, interested in the conversation.
"Is what we heard true? Did his father truly get arrested?"


I wasn't able to answer because the compartment door slides open abruptly. My hope for Teddy arriving quickly dissolves when I notice it's Gabriella.

"Damn, I was sure they would be here." She huffs in a defeated tone.
"Hello Bowie!" She exclaims excitedly when she notices Teddy's bowtruckle on my shoulder.

"Who are you looking for Flores?" Dove asks. Not nearly as venomous as the last time they interacted.

"Blaise mostly, but also Theo, Draco, and Pansy." She noted. She looked towards me.
"They have been thick as thieves after Nott Sr was arrested. Apparently special mushrooms were involved in their antics this morning." She explained.

I rolled my eyes at the prospect. Teddy seemed to have a desire to get into trouble now that he had this newfound freedom. I was only slightly hurt he wasn't keeping his promise of sitting with me on the train.

"I'll send Theo your way if I find them." Flores noted before leaving.

"So things are good?" Dean asked, genuinely interested. I looked towards him and then to the rest of my mates. They all seemed very interested in my reply. I wasn't used to so much attention, but I knew I'd have to get used to it if I was going to date someone like Theodore Nott.

"Things with Teddy and I are going very well. At least I think so. We've owled every day since he left my home on Christmas."

"Teddy?" Ginny laughed.

"Did he ever get the balls to actually ask you to be his boyfriend?" Seamus asked with a chuckle. Dean slapped his shoulder in response.
"What?" Seamus huffed.

"He asked him in front of me, it was revolting. Then it was cute, and then revolting again." Dove explained, earning laughs from the group.

"Shove off, you like him." I scoffed as I bumped her shoulder against mine.

"Fine, I do." Dove says with an eye roll but a soft smile stays on her lips.


Dinner passes by, still no sign of Teddy and his mates.

I only start freaking out when I arrive to the great hall for breakfast. My eyes locking on the Slytherin table but it's empty where Teddy and his mates usually sit.

I let out an annoyed sigh and take a step forward but I'm quickly lifted into the air and spun around in a circle. Two large arms wrapped around my front and the familiar scent of lemons reaching my senses.

"I missed you I missed you I missed you." Teddy stated as he obnoxiously twirls me in front of the whole school.

"Teddy put me down!" I exclaimed, though a smile was plastered on my face so maybe my point wasn't fully coming across as a serious one.

He does indeed put me down, but the second I'm on the ground I'm being pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"He gets it, you missed him." Blaise states from behind them.

"If you keep this up your boyfriend is going to die from being hugged to death." Pansy adds.

Teddy quickly pulls away, looking at me as if he actually inflicted damage.
"Can that happen?" He asked nervously.

"No silly." I reply.

His smile returns and I can't help but blush as I look at him. It hadn't been that long away from him but every-time I see him I'm still in shock at how handsome my boyfriend really is. He intertwined his hand with mine and pulls me towards the Slytherin table.

He is telling me about how him and his mates got the doses wrong and ended up staring out their common room windows for 5 straight hours swearing they could see mermaids. I was attempting to listen but the attention on us was very distracting.

"Is that, Theodore Nott and Neville Longbottom?"

"Are they dating?"

"Since when is Nott gay?"

I take the seat next to Theo, Pansy and Blaise sit across from us. It feels weird sitting here but I try not to seem too put off by it.

"And then I woke up at 5am this morning with the biggest appetite I've ever had!" Theo finishes explaining as he's scooping a sugary cereal into his mouth messily.

Astoria Greengrass approaches them, sitting beside Pansy with a soft smile.
"Hi you lot. How was your- uh Theodore- you have a little something right-" she says as she points to Teddy's face.

He attempts to wipe his face clean but misses every time.
"Oh c'mere." I huff, taking my sleeve and drying his chin. He smiles back at me fondly.

"That's both cute and incredibly gross at the same time." Ginny noted as she sat beside me.

Luna followed, as well as Dove. Gabriella soon joins us, taking the seat beside Blaise. She kissed his cheek to greet him and he gives her a goofy grin in return that makes my heart swell.

"Ugh who said pda was allowed." Draco scoffed as he too joined the group.

"Draco be nice." Astoria ordered.

Draco's mouth surprisingly snapped shut. Blaise and I shared a look before we attempted to hide out knowing smiles behind our morning tea.

Everything felt right.

Sure people were staring but so what, it wasn't like any of them would mess with me now.

Teddy threw his arm over my shoulder, pulling me close so he could plant a wet kiss on my cheek. I pretend to be disgusted while Pansy and Dove laughed.

"We have Herbology together today." I whispered to Theo.

"Sit together?" Theo asked.

"Sure." I replied with a smile.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now