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•Theo Pov•
——————✧◦ ★ ◦✧——————

Dove is dropping out of the agreement,

Thought you should know as a warning.
I'm sorry.



I was supposed to stay with Blaise during the holidays, like I always did.

Then I was supposed to be engaged to Dove and now I'm not.

Those two details added up to my current situation.
I was stuck in an empty mansion with an angry drunk who's just found out I've disappointed him again.

My father should be in Azkaban.

Blaise shouldn't be in Paris.

I wish I was with Neville.

I shook the thought from my head. It hurt too much, the painful thought of Neville hating me. The way he looked at me when I failed him once again.
I wanted to be brave, like him.

I spent my days thinking about every good moment we had in hopes it would bring me enough courage to make it up to him. I knew he didn't want me to, but I couldn't help it. Whenever I'm near him, I can remember what happiness feels like. When I'm away from him I feel like a husk of a person.

Now I've disappointed him so much his best mate didn't even want to be around me. She must hate me, he must hate me.

Hell, I hated me.

"You're pathetic."

"What the fuck!" I yelled as I fell backwards off my bed.
"Pansy! How in Merlin did you get in here?"

I scrambled so that I was standing up again, hoping I didn't wake my father from making too much noise. I casted Muffliato swiftly before facing her again.

"You left your window open, any perv could have snuck in here and tickled your toes in the middle of the night, and you'd never known!" She joked and she wiggled her fingers at me.

"Shut the fuck up Pansy." I scoffed. I picked up the book I was reading, Turning it around in my hands a few times to make sure it wasn't damaged.

"He's smoking again Pansy, I can smell it." Draco noted as he slid in the window as well.

I glared at him angrily, then turned towards my cigarettes I had on my night stand, slamming them closed in the drawer.

"You're smoking again? You haven't done that since 5th year." Pansy asked in a tone of concern.

"I'm fine Pansy- I'd be better if he wasn't here." I scoffed. I leant against the night stand, crossing my arms and glaring at Draco once again.

"Cmon Theo, I'm your best mate." Draco said with a charming smile.

"You're a selfish prat is what you are." I noted.

This angered Draco, his smile quickly turned to a sneer.
"Selfish? I might be the only one that understands you Theo, we're the same. So you can stop acting like you have it harder just because your mum died when you were like 7."

"Draco!" Pansy tried to silence him but Draco showed zero signs of slowing down.

"No Pans, he needs to hear it. He's a self righteous piece of work." He faced me with a look of annoyance, like how my father looked at me.
How Draco's father probably looked at him.
"If you don't want to deal with being punished, stop doing stupid shit like hooking up with Gryffindor wizards. You knew your father wouldn't be accepting of it so why did you act so recklessly?"

I let Draco finish, it was agonizing but I fought every muscle in my body to allow him to say his peace. I wanted to answer him with a fist to his face but I didn't.

"I'm sorry your dad's an arsehole Draco, and yeah mine is too, but that didn't give you to right to take something important away from me. Regardless if you thought you were helping me in some sick way.
I don't give a fuck if my dad doesn't except it, that's why I was keeping it a secret. You threatened Neville, you threatened me. That's not my mistake, that's yours. If you really understood me you'd know that." I explained.

I walked towards my window and nodded towards it.
"Please leave."

"Theo- I didn't know you loved him, okay? I thought you were risking yourself on some fling." Draco admitted.


"I don't-"

"Theo." Pansy shook her head at him.

It was true. He just wanted to push it away and wish it weren't so.
"Please go- my father will be awake soon and I don't fancy him hexing me because I have unwelcomed guests."

Pansy and Draco left without saying anything else.

I made sure to shut and lock my window, not wanting to have to deal with them again in the future. Though I know Pansy would probably  just smash my window in with a rock if I ignored her.

My reflection in the glass shocked me.
I looked like shit.

I hadn't slept very well so I had large eye bags, I knew I wasn't eating right because I was starving. That wasn't my fault though, my father made sure I wasn't living a luxurious life the second Dove's letter declining the engagement arrived.

I was basically a prisoner.

I wish I could just run, stay with someone else or get my own place.
But he'd just find me, and it'd be worse after that.

I looked away from my reflection in disgust. I went back to lay in my bed, opening my book to the the first page once again.

I ran my finger along his name, it was cute how perfectly he wrote it. The copy of pride and Prejudice was supposed to help me get with Dove but I'd never made it passed this spot because this was the only page that reminded me of him.

The sound of knocking on my window caused me to jump up in annoyance. I figured Pansy and Draco were bothering me again but the I noticed it was an owl, one that I didn't recognize.

I pulled the letter from its leg, opening the package immediately. It didn't have a note and at first I was confused, because it was Spider-man comics and I hadn't owled Auntie Andy about them in months.
Then I noticed a name written on them.

That name I enjoyed so much, written in that perfect handwriting.

Neville Longbottom.

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