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•Theo's pov•

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I knew it was wrong to expect Neville to take my side with zero explanation, and yet it hurt he didn't. I scribbled onto my parchment deliriously, my mind racing faster than a Nimbus 2000. A familiar sigh sounds behind me and I only pause my writing for a second before I continue, trying to ignore the eyes burning into my back.

"You're in too deep."

"I don't know what you are talking about." I reply, not looking up from the ink in front of me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Blaise interjects. He grips my chair and turns it forcefully so I'm facing him. I throw my quill in defeat, letting it roll onto the desk.

"You. Are. In. Too. Deep." He repeated, this time in a serious tone with a dead pan expression.

"I think it's going quite well actually, I have a kinda date with Rosier. Im far better in Herbology than I was before and-"

Blaise throws his hands up in the air, anger bleeding out of his eyes as he looked at me with a frustration I'd never seen in him before. It almost made my cocky smile slip, almost.
"You know damn well I'm talking about this weird little thing you have with Longbottom."

I let out a sharp chuckle, standing up from my seat and pacing. He'd hit the nail on the head, he always does. Him and Pansy really see everything, it was quite annoying. They knew everything about me and I didn't even need to tell them much, their deductive reasoning skills were a force to be reckoned with.

"Neville is my mate, he's dating Coote anyway." I explained trying my best to not sound to hurt about it.

Blaise scoffed, gaining my full attention.
"Yeah, and when that doesn't work out? Because we know it won't-"

"We don't know that. It might be different this time." I remarked.

Blaise didn't need to argue with me, the look he gave me told me he disagreed. I was just trying to persuade myself at this point, there was no changing Zabini's opinion once it was made. This made my stomach churn.


"Don't worry, Luna wants to go to Hogsmeade anyway. I'll keep an eye on him." He declared.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"But you need to stay away from him, especially during this date. If you screw up this opportunity with Dove you-"

"I know, I'm in deep shit." I noted, rubbing my face anxiously.

"The deepest of shits, chamber of secrets type of shits." Blaise repeated.

"Okay I get it." I said before Pansy and Draco burst into the room.

"You fucking arse!" Pansy screamed.

I didn't need to ask what they were fighting about, it had been like this all year. Draco publicly humiliates her by making moves on any witch he can get his hands on and then Pansy yells at him until he promises not to do it again, but we all know he will. Even Pansy knows it, though she doesn't have much choice.

"Merlin your voice feels like someone casting crucio on my head." Draco complained as he slumped into his bed.

Pansy made an attempt to jump onto him but Blaise thankfully holds her back in time.
"I'll show you how Crucio feels Malfoy!" She screams.

"I wouldn't threaten me sweetheart, or have you forgotten I know your deep dark secret?" Draco says with a cheeky grin.

My head snaps towards him and then back towards Pansy who's face goes paler than I'd ever seen. Draco takes a moment to study everyone's expressions before speaking again.
"Oh, do they not know? You see our little Pansy is-"

"That's enough Draco." Blaise interrupts.

"Oh so you do know, see sweetheart. It's a miracle the whole school doesn't know you are into witches. You should really be more careful." Draco cheers from the safety of his bed. Blaise still working overtime to hold Parkinson back.

"It's really too bad our parents forced us to marry, at this point I don't know who is suffering more. Probably me." Malfoy continued.

I snapped.

The next thing I knew I had Draco in a chokehold and Blaise is yelling at me to release him. Pansy is quiet, she's probably hoping I'll kill Malfoy. I know deep down she really cares for him, we all do.

Draco looks back at me, his eyes dark but his expression blank. He wasn't surprised by my reaction, if anything it seemed like he was planning for it.

"Why so angry Theodore? Did I strike a nerve?" The words left Malfoy's lips like venom.

I slowly released him turning my back on him with a huff, knowing he bested me. I hated how cunning Draco truly was. All that intelligence is wasted on him. He rubbed his neck as he chuckled to himself nonchalantly.

"We truly are a fucked up group." He laughed but I knew it hurt him to admit it.

He wasn't lying.

Draco was in the same position I was, a shitty dad and a lifetime of mental trauma. Pansy was a daughter when her family wanted a son, the pressure for her to marry Malfoy rested on her shoulders from a very young age. Too young.

Blaise had his struggles but he was the least messed up out of all of us, but that was saying something.

But Pansy and I had something in common.

The pressure of furthering the future of the family, the pressure of producing an heir was something in all old name wizarding families. Though it is a rather hard task to complete if you are gay.

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