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It's the last quidditch game before Christmas holiday. The stands are packed and yet the cold still feels so relentless and bitter, much like my emotions.

I'm trying to act excited and proud of my fellow Gryffindors but my mind wanders elsewhere, my eyes following suit as they scan the quidditch field for a familiar wizard.

Theodore seems to be focused. If he had been worried about me, he was hiding it well. It almost felt worse seeing him act as if he was perfectly fine.
It's not like I wanted him to suffer or anything, but some light brooding or agitation would be nice.

Dove bumped my shoulder, grabbing my attention.
"You'll burn a hole in his head if you keep that up." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes in reply, trying my best to keep my focus on the red players vs the green.

"Amazing catch by the talented and beautiful Ginny Weasley!" Luna Announced. She added compliments for each of the players but the ones for Ginny were more forward and flirtatious.

The game score was fairly even at this point, I could tell the pressure was starting to weigh of the Slytherin side when their tactics weren't working. With Ginny as chaser and Ron as the keeper, our team's speed was unmatched. Flint's anger was getting to him, I watched as the Slytherin captain screamed at a female player. He brushed her off before barking orders at Crabbe and Goyle.

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh? Uh oh what?" Dove questioned.

"They are zeroing in." I said as I pointed at the two beaters in green, my finger followed to where they were aiming.

Directly towards Ginny.

She was so busy with the Quaffle she wasn't paying attention to the incoming Slytherins.
"Weasley!" Blaise yelled, warning her the only way he could. Her head turned just moments before impact but the bats never made contact with her.

Instead it was Theo that was hit with the full force of his own teammate's beater bats. His limp body dropped like a rock in water, as did my stomach.

Everyone around me stood up in shock, I felt my body move involuntary but Dove pulled me back. I looked up at her and she simply shook her head at me.
I knew she was right, I couldn't go down there.

As Dove and I pushed our way through the ocean of people exiting the stands we could just barely see and hear a fight breaking out between the two teams. Slytherin's were always cheats, but they rarely attempted such dangerous tactics.

——————✧◦ ★ ◦✧——————

I sat in my dead silent dorm room, my knee bouncing anxiously as I fiddled with the hem of my jumper. Seamus and Dean didn't dare speak, Harry and Ron hadn't returned from the quidditch field yet. Worst of all I had zero news about Theo.

The sound of the dorm door opening made me stand so fast I almost got dizzy.

"Is he okay?" I asked just as quickly.

Dove chuckled slightly, giving me some small amount of relief.
"Yes- yes Theo's fine. Just a concussion and broken arm from the fall. Pomfrey fixed it up no problem."

I let out a sigh of relief, sitting back down on the edge of my bed as ran my hands through my hair.

"Crabbe, Goyle, and Flint were sent home early and banned from quidditch for the rest of the year." Dove explained.

"And Ginny?" Dean questioned.

"She's okay, just feels guilty. Pomfrey said If Theo hadn't taken the blow she would have been hurt really bad, or worse."

"Damn." Seamus added.

Just then a knock sounded at the door and we all looked at eachother slightly confused. Harry and Ron wouldn't knock if they were returning, so when Dove opened the door and Blaise and Pansy stepped in, we were more than surprised.

"We need to speak to Longbottom. Alone." Pansy stated in a cold tone.

"Please." Blaise added awkwardly.

Dean looked at me, questioning if I was alright. I nodded in reply and he got the hint, taking Dove and Seamus with him. I sat confused, looking up at the two Slytherins curiously.

Blaise coughed to break the silence.
"Theo's okay."

"I know." I replied plainly.

"Okay- let's cut to the point. Theo needs you, or he at least needs to know he hasn't lost you." Pansy stated.

I turned away from them, attempting to hide my annoyance at the statement. I didn't have anything against Pansy and I wanted to hear her out, but I'd already had the same conversation with Blaise.

"Cmon Nev, hear her out she-"

"I already told you, I can't. He won't let me." I huffed.

"So that's it?" Pansy asked plainly.

Blaise and I turned our attention towards her.

"Theo's has had his heart set on you since first year and you just give up after a few weeks of half baked flirting. Do you know how much Theo has been through? How much he's had to deal with to get to this point? Every choice you two have made brought you to where we are right now, but you have to push harder if you want more." She explained.

"I tried." I hummed.

"Try harder!" Pansy yelled. I flinched slightly while Blaise just chuckled at the interaction between me and the witch.
"Theo is smart but he's also daft, he wants more but he's scared. We all are- aren't we?"

Pansy was right.

When I saw Theo fall today, all I could think was all the things I had left unsaid. Everything I hadn't done. For a moment, all those things seemed impossible but he's alive right now and I can say the things I've been keeping to myself, I can act of the feelings I've been pushing deep down.

"Okay." I finally said.

Blaise fist pumped excitedly. Pansy dug in her robes for a small object that looked familiar. When she tossed it to me I noticed it was the same small vial the Slytherins had used that one day they spied on the Gryffindor quidditch try outs.
"Polyjuice?" I questioned.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now