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A week until Christmas, a week until Dove gets here.

I still felt hallow but thankfully the pain in my chest subsided after my talk with Nan. She told me things about James Potter and Regulus Black that I'd never heard before, about anyone.

Love and sacrifice.

The thought of losing Theo, really losing him.
It was too much.
So I swallowed my pride and reached out to him. It wasn't anything big, and I still didn't have the words to say anything to him, but hopefully sending him comics gave him some sort of comfort.
I hoped it was enough.

I dried the coffee cups I washed, placing them carefully into the cabinet. A tap at the window made me jump in surprise, I almost pulled down all the glassware on the shelf.

I knew it was an owl, I was anticipating it. I ran to the window with a skip in my step. Just the thought of Theo sending me a letter made me giddy.

But it wasn't from Theo. It was from Blaise, a good amount of time had gone by since I sent him an owl so I was fairly surprised.


I apologize for taking so long to send this letter, I've been extremely busy and this was the only moment I was able to sit down and write to you.

I'm not in Paris as I previously had said. I'm sorry I lied to you, it was the only way to keep Theo from getting nosy. You know how he is. I consider you a dear friend and lying to you did not bring me pleasure.

I'm in Italy,
-you cannot under any circumstances tell Theo this.-
My father worked for the Italian ministry of magic, specifically in legal. I was going through his things last summer and found something worth looking into. But I couldn't leave Theo alone during the holidays,
which brings me to Dove.

I persuaded Theo it'd be a good way to have an excuse to be around you and I assured Dove it wouldn't be forever. I manipulated them, and for that I shouldn't be forgiven.

Now that Dove decided not to go through with the agreement I feared Theo's safety. I'm sure he's spoken about it, or you have at least figured it out by now, but Theo's father is not a kind person. My fears have been confirmed when Pansy owled me this morning.

Neville paced nervously, his heart sinking at the next things written.

At first it was all things I was used to hearing, Theo looking thin and depressed when she visited him. Then she said he was just gone, not in his room, not answering owls, just gone. I hope that you'll reply to this letter telling me he is safe, telling me he has at least owled you and he is just being stubborn.

But I have this bad feeling in my stomach. He's my brother Neville, I feel like something is wrong.

I promise I'll be back soon, but there is just a few more things I need to do here. I'm not saying you should do anything rash, because I know that's what you'll think to do first.

Stupid Gryffindor bravery.

I'm just saying, if he talks to you, please make sure he is safe and okay.

- Blaise Zabini

But Theo hadn't owled me, and now I was too fearing the worst. I know Blaise said not to do anything rash but was I really just meant to sit around and hope he's okay?

What would father do?

Then a memory settled in my head.
"What would Neville do?"
That's what Theo said. He'd been asking himself this since first year? He was everything I wasn't though. He was smart, handsome, physically fit. He was popular among most houses and envied by many.

And he did all of that trying to be like me.

So what would I do right now? If Theo was actually in danger what would he do if he were me?

I'd escape.

But he didn't have anywhere to go, no where his father wouldn't find him. He would surely check if Theo ran to Pansy or Draco. Where else would Theo go?

Maybe to Gabriella's.

I had no way of contacting her as I wasn't sure where Flores lived or if she was even close enough for Theo to run to.

I sat at the garden window once again, contemplating my options and Theo's possible situation. The snowstorm rattled against the glass so loudly, I barely heard the knocking at the door. At first I thought it was nothing, just the wind maybe. It was so quiet I almost didn't even check.

I opened the front door, cold air ripping into me as I did so. Though I didn't feel it, the pain of the sight in front of me was far too overwhelming.

"Neville- I'm sorry- I didn't-" Theo said through shivers. He was wearing a thin jumper, that wasn't nearly enough for such a cold storm. His clothing was covered in blood and tears. Theo's eyes looked so dull and the dark eye bags under his eyes were heavy and obvious.

I quickly pulled him inside, shutting and locking the door behind me. But by the time I turned back towards Theo he was wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back, letting the blanket I was using cover him so that we were both tucked under it.


"I'm sorry Neville, I know you don't want to see me. I really shouldn't be here, it's not safe. He's going to find me, he's going to find you. He's going to hurt us."

Theo rambled nervously, his eyes darting around the room in fear. He was shaking but not from the cold. I reached my hands towards his face and he flinched slightly but ultimately let me cup both of his cheeks so that he was looking directly at me.

"Shhh Theo, it's okay. You're safe." I reassured him.

His breathing calmed slightly and he melted into my hands, his eyes fluttering shut as he did so.
"Safe." He sighed out, before he passed out in my arms.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now