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Draco's antics didn't stop in the potions classroom. He once again made a scene in the great hall during lunch.

I was eating with Dean and Seamus at the Gryffindor table when I overheard Theo yelling from the other side of the room.

"Leave it alone Malfoy!" He yelled, drawing attention to the two of them.

"Give it here! Now Theo!" Draco yelled as he reached for a piece of parchment in Theodore's hand. The wizard had it held well above Draco's reach but only because Theo was standing on the bench of the Slytherin table. Draco was taller than Theo normally.

"I don't take orders from you, I'm not your bitch!"

This earned Theo a hex from Draco's wand, causing him to fall painful to the ground in a body binding curse. Draco ripped the paper from the wizard's clasped fingers. He read the words written quickly then without any other reaction he tore the parchment up and threw the pieces back at Theo.

"You dumb bastard." Draco said just loud enough for me to hear. His head shaking side to side as he stomped out of the hall.

A professor came by and undid the curse on Theo, but he didn't stick around for long. He too made his way out of the great hall and I again found myself following him.

"Theo!" I called out, but he didn't stop. If anything, he walked faster. I tried by best to keep up, but the more I tried the more I noticed he wasn't trying to get away. He was more so wanting me to follow him, keeping his distance just far enough to not seem suspicious.

I rounded one more corner, unsure where to go now. Theodore wasn't anywhere to be seen. Then I was being pulled into an empty classroom.

"Merlin you scared me." I said, clutching my shirt where my heart was pounding.

"What are you doing Neville, you can't be following me at a time like this!" Theo exclaimed. He wasn't angry per-say, just upset. I wasn't sure whom at.

"I'm sorry, you just seemed so distraught- I didn't want you to be alone." I explained.

I wasn't expecting it but Theo rested his forehead on my shoulder, his arms falling limp at his sides. He let out a long shaky sigh and I didn't my best not to wrap my arms around him in fear he would pull away again.

"You're too good Neville. It's going to get you into trouble." He said almost to quiet to hear.

"What did you mean by 'a time like this'?" I asked.

I wished I hadn't. because he lifted his head away from me, stepping backwards to lean against a desk.
"Didn't notice anything interesting about potions class today?"

I thought back to the lesson but nothing stuck out, nothing but Draco spilling his cauldron.
"I dunno, Malfoy was acting a bit strange but he's never made sense to me. He seemed a bit peeved at me personally though." I said, thinking back to the situation.

Theo rubbed the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb. His exhausted smile peaking through slightly. I knew I shouldn't feel so attracted to him in a moment like this but I really couldn't help it. What he said next didn't help either.

"Neville- love, we had a lesson on amortentia today. Don't you remember?"

"Okay and?"

"Amortentia is the love potion Neville, you smell who you are attracted to." Theo explained.

Then it hit me, it hit me. Like a truck- as Dean would say.

Lemons, broom polish, Draco's reaction.

Draco was now fully aware of Neville and Theo's 'relationship' and it put everything at risk.


"Yeah, and then he read what I smelt in my potion."

My eyes locked onto his face. He was looking away from me, trying his best to hide his red cheeks behind his hand.

"What did you smell Theo?"

"You know what I-"

"I want to hear you to say it." I interrupted.

He looked towards me once again. His cheeks still flushed but his eyes held contact with my own. They gleamed with desire causing my heart to beat through my chest.

"Potting soil." He said plainly.

I couldn't help it anymore. It's like I had zero control over my body because the next thing I knew I was crashing my lips against Theo's. He didn't hesitate to reciprocate the action, kissing me back with so much passion.

We had been holding back for so long it felt like fireworks exploding around us.

My fingers tangled in his hair, clutching him as if he'd disappear if I didn't do so. Theo pulled me so I was semi sitting on his lap, our weight leaning against the desk still. His hands gripped my hips aggressively. It didn't hurt, it felt good.
Like I belonged to him.
Like I was his.

The noise of a student running through the hall  was all it took to lose the moment we shared. Theo's attention snapped towards the door and by the time he looked back at me, all the desire in his eyes had quickly turned to fear once again.

He pushed me off of him, not looking back at me as he grabbed his bag off the floor and made his way towards the door.


His hand lingered on the door handle, not yet making the effort to turn it.
"You shouldn't have done that."

"Hah!" I scoff causing Theo to face me once again.
"You are acting like I acted alone here, like this is a one way street."

"Maybe it is." He huffed.

"You don't actually think that."

"Maybe I do? You know I can't do this, I can't be whatever it is you need me to be!"

The feeling of defeat felt heavy on my body, like he was making a choice for me. I looked away from him, not wanting to look at his face any longer. Shame and guilt lingered on his expression.
"I don't need you to be anything Theo, whatever this is, it's enough for me."

"Yeah- well, maybe it isn't enough for me." He stated abruptly.

I wanted closure, I wanted reassurance, I wanted something. This wasn't it, this wasn't going anywhere. I attempted to leave but he stopped me.

"Wait, Nev- I didn't mean."

"I know what you meant." I stated before leaving him behind in that empty classroom.

The Deal I Made With Theodore Nott - NL x TNWhere stories live. Discover now