Chapter - 3

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Recap: Sid and Yamini gather ideas to start up a business. Later Sid is worried of staying away from if she gets married.


Morning Manohar and vijaya were having their morning tea in the hall and Manohar was lost in thoughts. Vijaya called him twice to get his attention.

Vij: What are you thinking so deep now ?

Man: I m thinking about Yamu. We should get her married now. She is already 25.

Vij: Thank god, you spoke now. Infact I was thinking the same for the few days. 

Man: check with her if we should speak with Sid family about marriage or still they are going to say that they are only friends.

Vij: I understand your thoughts. I will be happy if Yamu gets married with Sid but if they are against it what can we do. Still I will talk to her today and if she is not interested in marrying Sid then we will look out for alliance.

Manohar nodded and left for office. Later as usual Yamini entered the kitchen and saw it was empty. She searched for her mom and when she couldn't find she closed the door and left to Sid's home. There she saw her mom and Madhuri having tea in the dining table. First she went to wake up Sid who was still asleep.

She shook him and he sat leaning on the head board in silence.

Yam: what is with you all today ? Mom and Madhu maa are so serious in some discussion and here you are sulking.

Sid: what are they discussing ?

Yam: don't know.  came to wake you first so that we could go together and check what are they up to.

Sid got down and dragged her where their mothers were having discussion while Yamini was shouting behind him.

Yam: Deii brush pannitu vaa da.. you have bad breathe..( Hey brush your teeth first..)

Sid: romba mukkiyam Pesama vaa Yami...( much important as if...Come quitely Yami) I m not feeling good since night.

Yam: what happened Sid, are you not feeling well. Did your friends give something else to drink ?

Sid reached the dining table and sat opposite to Vijaya and Madhuri who looked at him puzzled.

Sid: What are you both discussing now ? Whatever it is tell me now.

Vij: Ok, so since you both are here we will discuss now. Me and Yami's father wanted her to get married. So tell me if you have idea of getting married ...I mean to each other..

Yam: Maa, he is my friend. don't have such ideas please. 

Madh: Sid ?

Sid: Yes, we are friends. But what Jaya maa what is your plan ?

Vij: If you both don't want to get married then we will look out for alliance. Mano has been receiving so many proposals already. May be we will decide on one of them. She is getting old and we can't keep her forever with us.

Sid: So if she gets married what will happen ?

Madh: Loosa da nee ? ( Are you nuts ?) She will get married and live with her family and have children like how we are living as a family.

Sid: Who cares about our family now ? Tell me will her husband let her meet me and will he let us be friends like how we are now ?

Madh: I need to get a broomstick now. Sid, which man will allow his wife to be friend with a man. women's friendship ends the day she gets married so get your mind convinced that she will leave you after marriage.

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