Chapter - 5

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Recap: Madhuri and Viswanath talk to Vimal about getting him married to Yamini


Two days passed by and Vimal had not given his consent to his parents but he was still thinking over their words and he received a call from Amarnath too but kept a decent conversation and spoke in general and avoided any talks related to his marriage. 

On the third day Sid and Viswa was waiting for Vimal to speak to him before he left for office. Vimal came dressed up and saw his father and brother waiting for him and cocked his eyebrows.

Vis: Can we talk for few minutes before you leave for office ?

Vimal nodded his head and was about to sit but stopped hearing the door bell. Everyone knew it must be Yamini and instead of Sid, Madhuri said Vimal to open the door. Sid closed his eyes waiting for the accident to happen. As soon as Vimal opened the door he was welcomed by a punch in his stomach and as expected Sid heard a shriek which came from Vimal. He opened his eyes and saw Vimal holding his stomach groaning in pain. Yamini gulped and moved away from him mumbling sorry.

Yami: Sorry, I thought Sid will open the door and punched you my mistake. I m so sorry please...

Vimal saw her innocent face pleading with a pout and melted in her squinted eyes. 

Vim: Its ok, but take a second to see who is standing before you in future. What if it was dad ?

Yam: He will never open the door in the morning because he know...

Vim: Ohh, but don't worry...may be few months then there won't be need to open the main door for you anymore.

Yami: Means ?

Sid: Oh my god, Vimal bro...thank you so much for accepting this brainless creature...

Sid hugged Vimal and only then Madhuri, Viswa and Yami understood what he meant. Madhuri and Viswa hugged him and Madhuri moved to Yami and kissed her forehead.

Madh: I m so happy, now lets go to Jaya and Krishna bro. We have a lot of work to do....

Vim: Mom, I need to talk to Yami .if you don't mind.

Sid: Its Yamin..

Madhuri closed his mouth knowing what he was about to say and he looked at earning a deadly glare in return. She turned to Yami and signalled her to go with Vimal. Yami looked at Sid and he gave a thumbs up.

Vimal walked out to the garden and Yamini followed him. 

Vim: Are you sure of this proposal ? I mean did anyone force you ? You can tell me and I can talk to them.

Yami: I m happy with whatever our parents decide for us but if you are not happy with this please reject the proposal and don't accept it for parent's sake. Or if you have someone in mind then I can speak to them for you if you are scared of.

Vim: Why will I be scared of ...I mean I don't have anyone in mind so far. Ok then do you have dreams of your marriage ?

Yami: Yes...a lot....

Vim: Engagement ?

Yami: No....haven't thought of engagement.

Vim: Good, how about we skip engagement and get to the marriage directly or if you want we can have a close ceremony like within our family...

Yam: Ok...

Vimal smiled on her response and they returned inside home and saw Jaya and Krishnan already there. Jaya hugged Yami and Krishnan hugged Vimal. Sid pulled her cheeks which didn't went notice by Vimal.

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