Chapter - 13

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Recap: Sid, Yamini and Vimal, Nivedha's reception.


Yamini was in her room changed into a kurti and pyjamas. She was lost in thoughts about the marriage that will happen in the morning. She couldn't feel happy that she will finally Sid whom she loved for so long. She was scared what if he will never fall in love with her or finds love with some other girl.

Yam Mv: Even if he finds some other girl he will never show his love just for my happiness. He will decide to stay with me forever sacrificing his love. 

She looked at the mehendi in her hand which had darkened and she beleived like every girl that the mehendi darkens if her man loved her very much. A lone tear escaped her eyes and as if sensing her messing thoughts Sid knocked on the door. Yami opened and Sid pulled her along with him.

Nivedha who came out holding her mobile to her ears saw Sid and Nivedha running to the terrace and a small package in Sid's hand. 

Sid and Yami reached the terrace and he sat leaning on the wall and pulled her next to him.

Yam: Sid, what are you doing ? What if someone see us ?

Sid: when did you start worrying about someone seeing us together at midnight. You react as if we are meeting for the first time. Even if our parents see us they won't mind because they know about us..

Yam: Are you seriously fine Sid...Will this workout ? what if we go wrong ?

Sid: Sid and Yami can never go wrong...We will be fine..please let us not think too much for now...we have something precious between which will not let us down.. I trust it and I will do anything even beyond my limit.

Yam: I trust you...

Her three words reply held so much power and the intensity of her blindly trusting him with her life. He took a box from the small package he brought and took a ring from it. Yami's heart fluttered on seeing the ring. Sid smiled and took her hands in his.

Sid: Yami, We know each other more than we know ourselves. We may not love each other like a couples do but we really love, care and trust each other which is more then enough for us to be begin this new journey. I seriously don't know what life holds for us but I do trust that we will never be apart in anytime of the life. This is a promise ring Yami....I Siddarth here by promise that I will take care of you, trust you, stand by you in every happy and sad moments, I will be the best friend always that I m now.....You can rely on me anytime...whatever life leads us I will happily stand by you in that.

Yami smiled at his sincere words.....though he had got it as a promise ring she felt happy looking at him holding the ring for her. Somewhere inside her heart she felt a hope arising that one day he will hold a ring out of love for her...

Sid: So shall we start our new journey and see what adventure fate has for us ?

Yami smiled and pulled his cheeks. He swatted her hand and slid the ring in her ring finger. 

Yam: You gave me a promise ring but I haven't got you anything Sid.

Sid: I know right how dumb you are...atleast one of us should be smart and have sense so I got the ring for me too. So will you do he honour and slid in my finger..

She took the ring from him and held his hand but stopped looking at him.

Yam: Sid, I always said only thing to you...I will say the same today...I always trusted you..I will trust you will be my first priority all our life...I will do anything to see the happiness on your face. I best friend so much...

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