Chapter - 19

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Recap: Vijaya and Madhuri gets to know about Yami's love for Sid


Vimal returned late from office and opened the door with the key he had with him. When he entered inside he saw Yamini sleeping on the couch and the TV on. He did not disturb her and left to his room. After refreshing he returned to the dining table and started having his dinner. All the while he was thinking if he should wake Yami but let that thought aside and returned to his room and saw Nivedha sleeping peacefully. He was checking some mails and designs that he had been working for the latest orders. He felt thirsty and checked the water bottle empty. He entered the kitchen and saw Yamini heating the food.

Vim: what are you doing at this time Yamini ? You didn't have dinner ?

Yami: No, I was waiting for Sid he returned just now so getting the food heated for us. He has just gone to refresh. do you need something ?

Vim: No, I just came to fill the bottle you carry on.

Sid returned and helped Yami to carry the dishes to the table and they ate feeding each other.

Yam: How much of work they completed today ?

Sid: Almost half is over Yami..I have insisted them to completed within two days so that we can take care of furnitures, cutleries, utensils and other things.

Yam: Lets prepare a list of things to be purchased.

Sid: Shall we go shopping tomorrow ?

Yam: No Sid, lets find some wholesale dealers and purchase online only. It will reduce our cost too..Morning we will do that.

Sid: what did you do ? Did you feel bored without me ?

Yami: You wish...Idiot..I made some sketches of the crafts and also I have ordered few equipments that would help us to make the gifts.

All the while Vimal was standing in the kitchen watching the couple as they were so understanding, sharing everything and feeding each other. When he saw them standing from the seat he closed the bottle and left from there. Yami did not fail to notice Vimal's face and the yearnings in it.

On entering the room she opened the wardrobe and took her night suite but she remembered the words of the two ladies who had started messing her mind. Her fingers touched the bag which had the special night dress but she shut her eyes and scolded herself in her mind and entered the washroom to get changed. When she returned to bed Sid was already on bed and she switched on the AC to sleep.

Yam: Sid, Why are you urging them to finish the work early ?

Sid: Yami, I don't want anyone to point fingers on you. I will never let you down Yami. We will start the cafe and we will succeed..

Yami: I m happy that we will start our dream cafe soon but shall I ask you something..

Sid: Yami, please di...indha sentiment lam namakku set agadhu ( Please ....this sentiment doesn't set for us )

Yami: Be serious Sid and don't try to distract me now. Don't you see your brother ? He is trying to talk to you.

Sid: what should I do. forgive him for what he did ?

Yami Mv: Ivan ippadi lam sonna kekka mattan ? ( He won't listen if I keep talking like this) Yami start your act. You have Vijaya's blood in you. come on you can do it..

Yam: Are you regretting our marriage Sid ? Is that the reason you can't forgive your brother ?

Sid: Hey Yami, are you mad ? You are anything but regret in my life. We may not be like any other couple but at the same we are not less than any of them. We are special...I mean see I married a witch poor me..

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