Chapter - 32

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Recap: Yami's aunt confronts about Sid's feelings for Yami.


Sid returned home and saw Yami busy in the crafts room. A little paint smudged on her face and arms, she was completely engrossed in it. Sid tiptoed behind her and picked a brush in his hand. Slowly he traced her neck using it. Yami scratched the spot and continued her work. Sid now blew air on her ear lobe but this caight her attention. She couldn't get over the mint breathe of her husband but she pretended and continued her work. 

Yami waited for his next move but nothing happened. Sid tried to kiss her cheek this time but co  incidentally Yami turned to see what he was intended to do and his kiss landed on her lips. Both froze on their place with their lips touching each others. Yami dropped the painting she was holding in her hand. 

Her soft lips were driving him crazy to devour them completely. He wanted to pull her close and crash on perfect plump lips but he moved back gulping. Yami looked at the floor shyly and bit her nails.

Sid: Yami, get ready. Lets go out for dinner and a night show movie. I have already informed amma.

Yami nodded her head and left the room in a hurry and entered their room. She entered the washroom and took quick breathes to fill her lungs that was void of oxygen from her holding the breathe.

Sid was pacing in the room but all he could think was the peck that happened accidentally yet beautifully. Yami came out and stood before the mirror to get ready. Sid entered the washroom with his clothes thinking about her silence. 

He came out dressed and saw her combing her hair. He stood behind her and took the comb from her hand. He gently combed her hair and picked a clutch and clasped her hair with it. They drove to a restaurant and ordered all her favourite food.

They sat opposite to each other and Sid couldn't take his eyes of her. Yami felt his constant gaze on her and tried not to look at him but he was staring at her non stop.

Yami: Why do you look at me like that as if you are seeing me for the first time ?

Sid: Is it a fault to look at my wife ? Not my fault that she look beautiful.

Yami: It sounds good hear the word......wife....are you really happy Sid ?

Sid: Yami, will you go on a date with me ? a proper one not like the dinners we have or having now. A proper date ....I know you have a lot questions to ask me and even I have lot to share with you. Will you ?

Yami felt so happy and nodded her head mumbling yes only for him to hear. Sid entwined his fingers on the table and they had dinner. He could feel the heat creep her cheeks from his intense gaze. After the dinner he took her for the movie and they watched with Yami leaning on his shoulder holding his arm. He rarely watched the movie but had all his attention on his wife who was holding him like her life was dependant on him.

When they were driving back home he took her hand from her shoulder and wrapped it around his waist.

Sid: What if you fall asleep so its better hold me tight so that you will not fall. Its already too late and I don't trust you to be awake until we reach home.

Yami gave into his reason and hugged him but true to his words she fell asleep on his back by the time they reached home. He carried her to their room and tucked her in bed and joined her to sleep.

Morning Sid left early to cafe leaving a sticky note on the mirror. When he was a little free from customers he made a call to Karpagam.

Sid: aunty, are you with Yami now ?

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