Chapter - 12

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Recap: Sid convince Yamini to get married to him later Vijaya agrees to let Vimal and Nivedha to get married along with Sid and Yamini.


Sid and Yamini returned home after lunch and Sid gave the shopping bags to Vijaya who looked confused. Manohar was with th relatives after informing them about the change of the groom came to Vijaya and looked at the bags.

Mano: What is this ? Did you both go for shopping at this time ?

Sid: Pa, my earnings from the consultation job might be less but not less to take care of Yami. I bought this costumes for Yami. I know you have bought expensive dresses already for her but that was bought for her wedding and reception with Vimal but now she will marry me so I don't want her to wear any of those. 

Yami: Maa, I will wear whatever Sid has bought me. Jewels we bought some imitation jewels to match the costume. Anyhow no bride wears complete gold jewels these days. So please ?

Vij: About the dress I agree and you can wear Yamu but you can wear my jewels right ? After me you are the only one who has every right on my jewels. Those were given by my parents for my wedding and most of them your father bought me so you cannot deny if I give them to you for your wedding.

Mano: Don't deny Yamu, accept it.....Sid the wedding arrangements were done by me and your father so you need not feel awkward with anything. You are our son and we will respect all your decisions like you do for us. Your reputation and respect is ours too.

Yami hugged her mother and agreed to accept her jewels. Manohar informed Sid to return to his room and reach the wedding hall and Vijaya took Yami to her room to get ready.

Earlier after Sid and Yami left Yami's home, Madhuri and Viswa returned to their home and saw Vimal pacing across the hall. As soon he saw them he rushed to them and held their hands.

Vim: Maa, What did they say ? Please ma...I m so sorry..What have you decided ?

Madh: You can stop worrying about Yami or her family. She is getting married to Sid and her parents are happy with this decision.

Vis: They are so humble and kind that they had forgiven you and infact agreed to get you married to the girl of your choice. Both the marriage will happen at the same time, means today you will also have the reception.

Madh: Call your father in law and inform him everything. Let us also speak. We have less time so make it quick.

Vimal hugged them and he called Amarnath and informed everything. Madhu and Viswa spoke to Amarnath informing him to get Nivedha ready for the reception. Amarnath was happy that his daughter was getting married to Vimal and accepted to whatever Viswa had said him.

Madhuri and Viswa reached the wedding hall with Sid and Vimal drove separately. Vimal saw his friends Parth and Navin wating for him. They happily hugged him and took him to the groom's room.

Parth: Machan...(due) we are so happy that you finally got some sense and decided to marry her.

Nav: Let us not speak anymore about this and just focus on the reception and marriage.  But just believe in marriage Sid..and with Yamini you will never regret..

They sat on the balcony and saw Manohar's car entering the premises. Madhuri and Viswa welcomed them and Madhuri took arti to Yamini and welcomed her. Sid smiled looking at Yamini who took blessings from his parents. Soon his smiled faded when another car entered and Nivedha got down with her parents. Madhuri took arti for her to and welcomed them. 

Sid clenched his fist when he saw Vimal holding Nivedha's hand and they walked inside the hall. He threw the things that was on the table before him and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.

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