Chapter - 21

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Recap: Sid and Yami inaugurate their new cafe and the very first day they receive a good response from the customers.


Sid returned home soon after Vimal had entered his room. Yami let him to refresh and walked into the kitchen to heat the food for him and she set the table. Sid and Vimal both reached the dining and Yami served dinner for them and served herself. 

Vim: How was your day Sid ?

Sid: hmm good...thanks

Yami: Where is Nivedha ? Should I keep some food for her ?

Vim: No, she must be busy so don't worry. She can take care of her afterall.

Yami watched Vimal's face which was void of any emotions. She felt bad for him..

Sid: Yami....its not your job to check if everyone are fed at home...I don't want you to wait for me too. Have your dinner and sleep. Once I m home I will take care of myself.

Yami: Shut up Idiot...this is home and at home we care for everyone. Don't be a buffalo and grow horns or a porcupine with.....

Sid: Ewww..stop it are speaking of your handsome husband..

Yami: Handsome ? where ...where....

Sid: you witch..wait and watch ..

Yami: said a rhyming word Sid...wowww you have improved now..

Vimal watched them as they continued bickering. After dinner Sid and Yami together placed the dishes back in kitchen and returned to their room. Vimal who was watching everything sat on the couch with his mobile trying to reach Nivedha for the upteemth time.

Sid and Yami were set to sleep but Yami sat leaning on the headboard.

Yami: Sid, I seriously want you to fix things with your brother. Can't you see his worries ? 

Sid: Its not like what you think Yami...

Yami: Then why can't you talk to him Sid. Lets say if Vimal and I got married and he found his love for Nivedha later what would have happened to me ? Atleast he found that we are not compatible before the marriage and things are not fucked up. 

Sid: Hey stop cursing 

Yami: Fine Sorry, slip of the tongue...Sid, I feel something wrong. He looks worried, may be something happened between him and Nivedha. He looks like feeling lonely.

Sid: What nonsense Yami, they got married out of interest and what problem could be there between them ? Even if there is a problem then we shouldn't be interfering in that. Its a problem between husband and a wife and they should fix it.

Yami: If there was no wedding arrangements between Vimal and me and he got married to someone else or Nivedha and had problem would you have still reacted the same as you do now ?

Sid: He shouldn't have done that with you...I just couldn't get myself to forgive anyone who got to hurt you.

Yami: Am I more important than your own family that you couldn't forgive him ?

Sid gritted his teeth feeling frustrated he raked his fingers through his hair and moved out of the bed to the balcony. Yami stood behind him.

Sid: You know the answer Yami but you intend to hurt me by asking that question. I love my family but that doesn't mean I could stand watching you being hurt by them.

Yami: But he didn't hurt me Sid, he just backed off before he could hurt me so he only saved me. 

Sid: Don't get me wrong Yami, I have never questioned you this ever but today I want an answer....Did you have the crush on Vimal when you agreed to marry him ? 

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