Chapter - 38

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Hello makkale there is a message from our favourite author Jephii. She lost her account and has sent this message through one of her friend.


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Recap: Sid and Yami get appreciated from a customer when they let them have a birthday with a sudden announcement.


Sid returned home buying dinner for Yami, Nive and himself. He saw Yami and Nive in their work room. Nive was helping Yami on her work as they were chatting on random topics.

Sid: Yami, Nive come down for dinner and then you can continue your work and talks.

Yami: when did you come Sid ?

Sid: you both were so lost that you didn't notice someone entering the room. Now come down quick, I m famished..

Yami and nive joined him for dinner and Sid looked at Yami then Nive waiting for Vimal.

Nive: Vimal has got some work so he won't be coming or may be late tonight. Lets have dinner, he will have at office.

Sid nodded and they started having dinner and later Nive and Yami started cleaning up while Sid returned to their work room to make a check on the orders completed and pending. Yami and Nive joined him and they continued the work again.

Sid: Nive, you can go rest if you want. We will take care. you must be tired after travelling today.

Nive smiled and returned to her room. Yami hit him on his head.

Yami: Do you have sense. Why did you send her ? She might feel alone in her room. If she was tired she would have told us but she came here to give company.

Sid: Hey, I really meant for her to take rest. fine, now go and give her company and i will take care of the work here. We need to deliver 4 gifts tomorrow.

Yami pinched his cheeks and left to give company to Nive. Sid waited for her to return but when she did not return even after two hours he went to Nive's room to call her. The door was open and he saw Yami and Nive sleeping leaning on each other. He saw the TV was on with Yami's favourite super singer show.

Sid: Tv paathute thoongitanga pola...( Looks like they slept as they watched TV )

He did not disturb them and returned to their work room and compeleted the gifts and packed them to deliver the next day. He returned to their room and slept as it was already too late. Morning Sid woke up to the alarm and saw his wife snuggled into him. His lips twitched upwards and he kissed her forehead and the corner of her lips.

Sid: Missed you Yami..

He pulled her closer and nuzzled his face in the crook if her neck.

Yami: Love you Sid...

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