Chapter -6

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Recap: Vimal accpet the proposal and the family decide for direct marriage skipping the engagement.


It was Sunday and both the family was ready for the shopping as they planned. Both their parents decided to take a car and left their children to come in one.

Madhuri, Viswa, Krishnan were waiting for Yamini and Jaya to join them. Sid and Vimal were looking at the door waiting for Yamini to appear.

Jaya came out first and Yamini came behind her dressed in a beautiful green saree and her hair was plaited and left to her front. She was looking breathtaking that both the brothers stood dumbstruck. Yamini walked slowly which was never her style which brought Sid back to is sense. He made a serious face when Yamini stood before them.

Sid: Excuse me, can you move aside we are waiting for Yami to join us for shopping and who are you ? 

Yamini gritted her teeth and was about to speak but before that Vimal cleared his throat.

Vim: Shall we go ?

Sid got in the driver seat and Vimal was in the passenger seat. All the way only Sid was talking and Yamini and Vimal were speaking in mono syllables.

Once they reached the boutique Vimal and Yamini got down and Sid drove to park the car. Vimal saw Yamini fidgetting with her pallu and stood by her side.

Vim: You look beautiful Yami. Don't be nervous. My presence may be new to you but your parents and my parents, Sid are the same. Lets go...

He lead her inside and followed her. Sid came back and saw Yamini and Vimal walking inside leaving him back. He stood watching her leaving and moved to a pillar. Yamini stopped suddenly and turned to Vimal.

Yam: I forgot my mobile in the car. I will get it.

She rushed out and searched for Sid and saw him standing by the pillar. She smiled and walked to him and held his hand and dragged him with her.

Yam: Why did you take so long to park the car. Come we need to choose all the costumes today.

Sid smiled looking at her hand holding his wrist and they entered inside. Soon they were looking for costumes. Madhuri saw Vimal and Sid both selecting saree for Yamini. She moved to Sid and took him a little far.

Madh: Sid, listen to me. Whatever I say is for all your good so don't worry or feel bad for I m about to say. 

Sid: Tell me mom..what happened ?

Madh: Its that ....let Vimal select Yamu's costumes. Afterall its their marriage so he deserves that right to do.. You select a saree but gift that to her later. Please..

Sid smiled at his mother and hugged her.

Sid: You need not be so scared to say this mom. I can understand and don't worry I won't interfere. But sure I will buy a saree for my Yami..

They got back and saw Viswa, Jaya, Krishnana had selected few sarees for Yamini and for them too.

Sid: Yami, you all select your wedding and reception costume. I want to buy a surprise gift for you so don't disturb me.

Though Yami wanted Sid to be there to select her wedding attires she saw Vimal choosing her dress and restrained from stopping Sid and nodded to him.

Sid saw a beautiful green silk saree with lotus zari and selected it for her. When he came back he saw the family was paying for the purchase they have done. Sid paid for the saree he purchased and  then they went to a jewelry shop.

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