Chapter - 7

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Recap: Both families go on shopping and later they meet Nivedha at the jewel store.


Two weeks passed by and Vimal was busy in his business and the family took care of the wedding preparations. Sid took the ladies to the shopping and selected the dresses for Yami for her to wear after wedding. Vimal was confused a lot on the things happening with him. 

He returned home at night and was having dinner with the family. Later they settled on the couch when his eyes fell on the invitation that amarnath had sent to celebrate his 25 years in business. He had personally arrived at his home and invited the family along with Yamini to the function where he was to annouce his retirement and Nivedha officailly taking over the business.

Viswa: We should go Mr. Amarnath's function. It won't be good if we don't go.

Madh: Then we will go. Vimal's business mates will be there and all will get to know about Yamini too. What say Vimal ?

Vim: As you say maa...Then all of you be ready by 5 tomorrow evening we shall go together.

Madh: Vimal, call Yamini and inform her yourself. Put some efforts from your side Vimal. Its just a week for the marriage and you are roaming as if it is someone else marriage.

Vimal nodded and left to his room and called Yamini who picked the call after third ring and waited for him to speak.

Vima: Yamini, tomorrow there is party and will you attend with us...I mean mom, dad and Sid will also be coming. 

Yam: Is it Nivedha's dad party ?

Vim: hmm..yes...we all can go together ...if you are ok in attending.

Yam: Sure..I will come...

Vimal cut the call and sighed the discomfort he was feeling. He shook his head and stood before the mirror and looked at himself. He really missed the josh that a groom should have.

Vim: What is with you Vimal ? why can't you enjoy anything happening regarding your marriage? Am I doing the right thing ? Is Yamini the right choice ? But mom and dad had chosen her. They won't be wrong in their decision. She is good girl, caring, naughty, beautiful but....

He left the but there and retired to sleep not to think over the thought which was disturbing him a lot. The next day evening came sooner atleast what he thought. He was ready in a three piece black suite, white shirt and waited for his family to join him.

Sid came dressed in a formal white shirt and black pant and saw his watch.  Soon his parents too joined him. Now they were waiting for Yamini to join them.

Vim: Maa, its getting late, can you check if she is ready ?

Sid: Yami and getting ready on time will be a wonder. Bro get used to it. If you want her to ready on time then tell her atleast an hour before the actual time. 

Sid sat in the passenger seat of the 7 seater and started scrolling the mobile not caring about the delay. Vimal shook his head and removed his blazer and sat in back and instructed the driver to start the car.

Madhu: Vimal, she will be here please wait. Its universal thing that women take time to get ready. Now you should get used to it.

Vim: Maa....lets pick her before her home.

They nodded and got in the car. The driver stopped the car before Yamini's home and she came running holding her white lehenga with her hair bouncing. Vimal's breathe hitched when he saw her running like an angel. Sid gave a glare to her and eyed Vimal that he is annoyed.

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