Chapter - 14

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Recap: Sid and Yami, Vimal and Nivedha get married...


Vimal and Nivedha returned to Vimal's home and she was taken to different room to rest for sometime as their room was getting decorated for their wedding night. Vijaya and Madhuri decided not to decorate the room for Sid as it may make them feel awkward at the present situation. Viswa wanted to deny the decoration to Vimal's room as it might make Sid and Yami uncomfortable but when Amarnath made request to them they couldn't deny and accepted it.

Vimal got changed and was working on his office works sitting at the dining table. It has been evening and Sid, Yami did not come out of the room. Madhu made a call to Vijaya and invited them for the dinner together.

Vijaya went upstairs to call Sid and Yami but she saw the door ajar and Sid was sprawled on the bed and Yami was sleeping on the couch. She opened the door and woke them up. Yami's wedding saree was on the floor and she had changed into her pjs already. Yami whined and refused to wake up but Sid woke up and sat leaning on the head board yawning against his palm.

SId: I will wake her go

Vij: Madhu called us for dinner. you both should return home for the night so tell her to get ready in something good. She is your wife and a bride so she should be dressed accordingly.

Sid nodded and she left from there. He woke Yami and informed her whatever Vijaya had told him. She entered the washroom and Sid saw the jewels and dress that were lying. He folded the saree and arranged the jewels in the box and reached the hall leaving Yami to get ready.

Yami got changed into a saree with simple jewel and came down. Her parents were ready and Sid was still in the same shirt and dhoti as he had not got his dress to change. They together entered Sid's home and Madhu welcomed them with arti. 

All the three families had dinner. Sid and Yami were in the garden after dinner meanwhile Nivedha's mother gave her saree to get ready. She adorned her hair with lot of jasmine and left to her home. Sid saw a few baskets of flowers by the garden and looked at Yami who shrugged. Navin and parth came to Sid to take their leave and saw the couple looking at the flowers which made them smirk to provoke Sid.

Nav: Sid, Yamini what are you doing here ?

Sid: We just came for walk but why are so much flowers here ?

Parth: Ohh, they are the left out flowers after decorating Vimal's room for his wedding night. 

Yami turned her face away and Sid made a O I see face..

Nav: Nivedha's father had called special decorators to get the room ready just like we see in movies.. Actually we were there as the workers did their work.. The entire room was so romantic..

Parth: Our work is done..we are leaving.. All the best to both of you..take care..

Navin and Parth left from there. Madhu informed Vimal to return to his room and later sent Nivedha to his room which will be their from now on.

Sid and Yami after a walk entered home and saw Madhu and Viswa retiring to their room. He stopped as they were behaving casually.

Sid: Maa, shall I go to sleep ?

Madhu: Are you alright Sid ? What is with you taking my permission to sleep ? 

Sid: Mom, Yami is here...

Madhu: So she is your wife and its not like she doesn't know your room. Go take rest both of you..must be very tired....

Sid and held Yami's hand and walked inside his room which was as usual. He stood thinking but Yami switched on the AC and laid on the bed. She saw him leaving the room screaming for his mother. She got up and followed him.

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