Chapter - 23

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Recap: Sid confess his feelings for Yami.


Yami returned home and saw none of them at home. Hearing some noise from the kitchen she moved towards and found Vimal struggling to prepare something.

Yami: Where is everyone ? 

Vima: Oh, mom and dad has gone grocery shopping. You are so early ?

Yami: Had some gift orders to be completed so I came early. Sid will be returning by night after closing the cafe. What are you doing, shall I help you ?

Vim: Actually was feeling too tired and returned home. Just preparing tea do you want some ?

Yam: I will prepare it you go get refreshed...

Vimal nodded and left from there. Yami prepared the tea and by the Vimal returned she passed him a cup and took a cup for herself. He sat on the one of the chair in the dining and Yami sat opposite to him. She was hesitating to initiate talk and Vimal sensed it.

Vim: Do you want to ask me something ?

Yami: hmm yeah...want to say thank you....

Vimal raised his eyebrows and looked at her waiting to continue her talks.

Yami: Amma said everything to me, your plan to get married to Nivedha and their hands in it. You know thank you for that and so sorry that you had to bear the hatred from everyone.

Vim: Actually I was skeptical but Nivedha made me realize that I was doing wrong with both you and myself especially with Sid. Thanks to her.

Yam: hmm. Shall I ask you something ...may be your personal too ?

Vim: Go ahead...

Yam: Did you marry Nivedha because you liked her or just to know stop with the marriage of ours ?

Vim: Will you believe if I say both as the reasons ?

Yam: I don't get you....

Vim: I wanted to stop the marriage with you and that will not happen so easily because all the arrangements were done already. Even if Sid agreed to marry you again there will be a problem that I m being unmarried being elder son so I had to fix everything then Nivedha she liked me a lot. Before your proposal Nivedha's father came to me with her proposal so I decided to give a chance accepting her in my life. 

Yam: Are you happy in your life ?

Vim: why do you ask ? Do I look unhappy to you ?

Yam: We have seen you for years. You may be introvert without any friends but we know your every move. I feel something is bothering you...You can share with me if that would help to feel light hearted.

Vim: thank you...but don't you think Sid will be posessive if he knew his friend is talking with me? When he comes to know that you are talking with me then he will be pissed off like always. So let it be and don't worry I m good.

Yami was contemplating on his words and looked at him bewildered. Vimal placed the cup in the sink and was about to leave but stopped by Yami's voice.

Yami: Was it because of Sid's possessiveness you never mingled with us ? If he had not been pissed would have been friends with us ?

Vim: May be, may not be...don't think over what is over. But I wish you realize things and act on it before its too late.. I know Sid loves me a lot and I love him more than anything in this world. I want him to be happy in his too.

Yami: And we too wish the be happy in your life...any problem can be fixed by talking heart to heart..

Vim: Yes...anything can be fixed so talk your heart....

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