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10 years Later:

Yami and Nive were staying at home to rest and Yami was feeling tired after a hectic week of inagurating their cafe's 7th branch. Though Sid and the whole family had taken care of things, Sid and Yami's 8 year old son Nirav and 5 years old son Aarav along with their 6 months old baby in her womb drained her energy. 

Vimal and Nive were blessed with a boy, Shyam 9 years old and a girl, Vishali 6 years old. They extended building of their home as the family grew over years. The wall between Madhu and Jaya's home no longer existed as the children were on their heels and needed constant attention from the elders.

Nive prepared fresh juice and entered Yami's room and saw her leaning on the headboard with her palm caressing her baby bump. Nive sat next to her and passed the juice to her.

Nive: The entire home looks so calm after a hurricane of sending the kids to school. 

Yami: You are lucky to stop with two but look at me still one more to go. 

Nive: Ohh don't worry we are here to take care and help you. 

Yami: Ohh shut up you guys are telling as if you will pop out the baby. I swear Nive this time that idiot has to keep up with the nights changing the diaper and atleast god should have made possible for man to feed the babies I would have slept happily.

Nive: If god did that then imagine would any man come behind woman for their needs ? Stop being funny and you said the same for Nirav and Aarav but you took care of them completely your own. 

As they were talking Nive received a call from Vimal and she closed her mouth in shock and looked at Yami. She cut the call and burst out laughing.

Yami: will you tell me what happened ?

Nive: Vimal went to meet one of the client and when he opened the laptop before him. Vimal's file and laptop screen was stuffed with slime.

Yami: god, sure it must be Aarav and Vishali. Let them return from school. Today none of you will stop me from discipling them.

Before Nive could reply Yami's mobile rang this time. She answered it immediately as it was from the kid's school. She got down and motioned Nive to call driver immediately. She cut the call and picked a outfit to change.

Yami: Nive, Principal wants me in the school immediately. I don't want what happened and that lady was just barking at me to arrive soon.

Nive: Ok I will accompany you so don't panic. Everything will be fine.

Yami: Not with Aarav. I don't what has he done today.

Both got changed and Nive drove Yami to the kids'd school and on way Yami informed Sid about the call from the principal. As soon as they reached both were shocked to see Nirav standing before the principal's room. Nive crouched to him and Yami hugged him caressing his hair.

Yami: What happened baby ? Why are you standing outside ?

Nirav: Amma, my teacher said that I should not come to her class anymore.

Nive: Don't worry Niru, we will speak to the principal and everything will be fine.

Yami: You are such a good boy and who can be be angry with my prince. Just wait and we will back soon.

Both Yami and Nive entered the principal's room and 20 minutes later they came out without any expression. 

Nirav: Amma, Nivi ma, did they accept to allow me enter the class.

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