Chapter - 18

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Recap: Nivedha and Yami have a argument and Yami annouce to leave the home


Morning Nivedha came out of her room and saw Viswa reading newspaper and Madhuri setting the plates on the dining table. She walked towards the dining table and cleared her throat. Madhuri smiled and caressed her hair.

Madh: Where is Vimal ? I haven't seen him from morning. He did n't go for jogging is it ?

Nive: Actually he was working yesterday night and slept early in the morning. He will join shortly.

Vimal came rushing and sat for breakfast after greeting his parents. Madhuri served breakfast for him and called Nivedha to join him.

Nive: Aunty, Yamini and Sid...

Before she could complete Sid and Yamini came down and sat for breakfast. Yamini pulled Viswa and helped Madhu to serve breakfast. All the while Nivedha was watching her perplexed. After serving Yami sat next to Sid and he fed her. Sensing gaze on her Yami looked ahead and saw Nivedha watching her.

Yami: why are you looking like that ?

Nive: hmm,

Madhu: She must be thinking about what you said last night..right Nivedha ?

Nive: hmmm...

Yami: We say 100 words out of anger but none of those words hold meaning. They vanish like nothing once we are cool....Who will leave home for silly arguments or fights???

Vim: This is not the first time they say of leaving home..

Madh: They do this whenever we scold them...This is new for you. Sorry ma, I thought Vimal would have told you. 

Nive: I seriously was worried through out the night that they might leave the home because of me...

Madh: Don't worry Nive...they will speak a lot but they will forget the next moment that is the best of Sid and Yami..

Sid: Yamini.....

Madhu: Seri da...( Fine man ) Yamu...I wanted to ask if you both have discarded you friendship agreement and made any new agreement ?

Sid: Thank you for reminding maa...Yami where is the agreement ?

Yami: In my's place..We will get that later...

Sid: hmm ok. I will go check if the materials has been delivered to start the work..

Sid, Vimal and Nivedha left from home to look after their work and Yami entered the room which she and Sid had got ready for their business. She collected the materials which she had bought and gathered for making crafts. She started working on that.

By afternoon Sid was on his way after checking the materials. He suddenly remembered the agreement which his mother spoke in the morning. He parked the bike infront Vijaya's home and entered inside.

Jaya: Sid, why are you coming alone ? Where is Yamini ?

Sid: I went for some work and returned just now. Where is Yami's college stuffs ?

Jaya: In her room loft.. she has kept in a box there.

Sid rushed to Yami's room and pulled a chair to get the box. Meanwhile Yami called her mother to check if she had her lunch.

Jay: I m about to have lunch. Why don't you come....Sid is also here we can have together..

Yami: what is Sid doing there without me ?

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