Chapter - 40

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Recap: Sid and Yami's romantic time gets spoiled when the current betrays him.


A week later, on a sunday Vimal and Sid were playing chess in their lawn with a gloomy face. They heard sound of laughter and turned to the direction. They glared at Madhu and Jaya who were watching something on their mobile. Madhu saw them and nudged Jaya to look at them.

Jaya: Why are you both glaring at us like you wanted to kill us ?

Sid: Wish I could do that to you both. I thought you were the most loving mothers and understanding, modern women but no, you proved me wrong. 

Vimal: you both are heartless. You both revenged us for god knows the reason.

Madhu: If you both are done cursing us then go buy some snacks for us. We haven't ate any snacks for the past one week.

Sid: I will never buy you. Call your husband and tell him to buy. I will never forgive you.

Vimal: Me too....

Madhu: You are missing your in laws in all these Vimal ...happy to welcome them in our gang to receive all your curses. May god bless you both.

Both Sid and Vimal pushed the chess board and stomped on their feet leaving back to their room. Sid entered his room and sat by the window with a yearning look, his thoughts travelled back to that horrible day of his life.


Yami reached the hall and saw all the elders along with Nive's parents waiting for them. Sid reached there and gave a shocked reaction looking at everyone. He turned to Yami and gave a scared look and stood next to her.

Sid: They are planning something big for us and I m sure not a good one.

Yami: quite...

Madhu: Vimal, when are you planning to book tickets for Paris ?

Vimal: I will do it tomorrow maa, may be I will do it today. That is not a problem at all.

Madhu: Good thing you haven't done it yet. Actually we all have something to tell you.

Mano: We just got a call from our elders that Aadi month has started yesterday and according our custom newly wed couples will have to stay away from each other throughout this month.

Sid and Vimal placed their palm on their hearts to stop it from exploding. Sid looked at Yami who pouted at him.

Jaya: It was good thing current saved us yesterday and you all slept separately.

Sid looked at Jaya with a " you too brutus " look. 

Amarnath: We came today to take Nive with us. She will be back after this month is over.

Vimal searched for something to dump on his father in law's head but controlled himself.

Viswa: Nive and Yami will stay with their parents and will return to our home after a month. Sid and Vimal be careful to follow what we say. 

Madhu: If you feel like missing your wife then may be take them out for an hour but not more than that.

Sid: an hour ? I can only fill petrol to my bike and return drop her at home in that time so why that hour too ?

Jaya: Good then, no meeting for a month..Only calls allowed.

Manohar: this temporary separation will increase the love between you. The feel of longing to meet each other will be very interesting and you will all love it.

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