Chapter 9 The Storm

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I had been in Eric's room for awhile, I fell asleep and then woke up. He was asleep, so I slipped out. It had been a couple hours. I hit the lobby. My stomach dropped as I saw the small group that was going to spy on the meeting between Kang and the Erudite. Someone had been shot. I ran forward and saw Shauna. Oh. I muttered my stomach dropping, before I knelt. She alive? For now. Four muttered and I jumped into action. Shaun can you hear us? I muttered moving Four's hands while taking my cloth jacket off and holding pressure over it. She made a noise and I sighed. Yeah I know I'm sorry, did anyone get a doctor?!? I did they're grabbing a cart and stuff. I nodded some. Ok hang in there Shauna. I looked over at them. What, happened? I snapped slightly. I shot Max, and they shot her. My stomach dropped as I looked at Lynn. This is my fault. I shook my head. No it's not. YES IT IS! I SHOULDN'T HAVE SHOT MAX! I looked up as the Candor doctors came one knelt in front of me. Ok, switch off on three. Three. I muttered and he nodded once and I pulled back.

Shauna was going to live. She'd be paralyzed for the rest of her life from the waiste down, but she would live. I looked in the bathroom mirror, which was steamed over slightly. I had gotten cleaned up from the blood. I stared in the mirror and sighed some. My stomach rolled as I kept thinking about that moment they came in. I shook my head and walked out to the dorms, where everyone was sitting. My stomach rolled some as they were having a meeting about what Jeanine wanted. We all pretty much knew that we weren't safe because Kang would bend to what Jeanine wanted. I walked out and leaned against the wall near the door, pushing my glasses up with my middle finger. The doors were tied shut. What were the terms? Tori asks to Four, but he's not really paying attention. His arms were crossed and he looked down at the floor. I looked over at him, Shauna was one of his friends, and to see her almost dead- I let a small sigh out as Tris cleared her throat. There were three. Return Eric to the Erudite. Report the names of all the people who did not get shot with the needles last time. And deliver the Divergent to Erudite headquarters. my stomach twisted, out of three of them, I only agreed with one, and I didn't like the idea of handing over any of the Divergent, considering I was one. If Jack Kang is making deals with the Erudite, we can't stay here. Tori said staring at the floor. For the first time I realized how much older she looked than the last time I had seen her. So where can we go?

I twisted a ring on my finger some as I just stared at the floor. I was expecting Four to mention maybe going to the Factionless sector, teaming up with them. But he said nothing for awhile. Home. He said looking up, everyone seemed to be listening now. We should take back what's ours. We can break the security in Dauntless headquarters so the Erudite can't see us. We should go home. I smirked some at the thought of home, of Dauntless. It had been almost two weeks since the very last time I had stepped foot outta Dauntless.  But before we do that. I look to Bud. We need to decide what to do about Eric. To let him stay here with the Erudite, or to execute him. My stomach twists at the word execute. The only thing that made me feel better was there were no leaders here, only leaders could preform executions. Eric is Dauntless, that means we decide what happens to him, not Candor. Lauren said while twisting her lip ring. I nervously start picking at my fingernail beds, as Tori starts a voting for new leaders. And they do vote new leaders in. Harrison, Tori, Four. Everyone is distracted. Distracted enough they don't notice me push the door open just enough for me to slip out.

I took off for his room. I went running up the stairs taking them two at a time. The elevator would take too long. I had to get to him right then. When I got there I burst in and he frowned over at me. Well I'm glad I got my pants back on. He said as he had just gotten out of a shower. We gotta go, now. Why? He asked, frowning, putting his shirt on. They just voted in new leaders, they're coming for you. He nodded some. Took longer than expected. What? I muttered frowning, it made me wonder if he knew he wasn't gonna make it out of this. We gotta get you to Kang. Kacie? He's giving you back to Erudite. But you'll get caught. I shook my head and grabbed his hand, turning to walk out but the door opened and the others came in. I felt my face scrunch up like I was gonna cry. I saw Four walk up and he just stared at me, he didn't say anything. Four. I said my voice cracking and wavering.

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