Hear my melody.#1

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Hello this is author or Bubbles!Welcome to this fanfic . TW: Death,swearing,gore.Enjoy

Tommy's POV:

I am racing Henry through the great coral reef in the ocean empire with the beautiful bright colours and amazement.I forgot how fast sea cows were as i was struggling to keep up as my bright red tail shimmered in the sea glow.Then i saw it.The surface...Phil always told stories of the surface and of the dangers.We were all reminded of the bitter memory of mother being captured and killed by the hunters looking to find her rare scales.I was only little but i remember her bright,beaming smile that lit the whole family in a happy bubble.

"Tommy come on lunch is ready"Will said with a smile as he swam over."I'm coming"I replied.Wilbur was always there when i was feeling awful even when he's a dickhead sometimes.Everyone was sitting at the table and it was loud as always."TECHNO FIGHT ME YOU WIMP"."No Tommy,I would beat you easily".Techno said flatly.I huffed in annoyance as he laughed.Wilbur was laughing hysterically."SHUT UP WILBUR"I shouted as Dadza,techno and Wilbur were all smiling and having fun.This was truly peaceful.

After we finished lunch,I walked up to my bedroom only to be followed by Wilby- I MEAN WILBUR as if he was a lost puppy."Please hear my new song Tommy,pleaseeeeee"He pleaded.I sighed and nodded.I was always happy to hear Wilbur's music as it was calming and always cheered me up.Wilbur sang softly like he always did.I lay on him while he strummed his guitar.I drifted off to sleep as will's singing became quieter.

"MUM NO"I cried out as i saw as the harpoon stabbed through her stomach dragged her up to the surface.I tried swimming and struggling but my tail was too weak and i felt something tugging at my wrist.Black,oily hands rose from the sea bed to swallow me while i was in a bubble...

a bubble of tears

The hands pulled me down as i chocked on the sand from the sea bed.Then i fell through and i was stuck,stuck in the feeling of feeling useless.I couldn't even protect my family and my friends.All these faces laughing at me for all my mistakes flashing before me like a cursed song.Almost like a sirens song,evil intent with a luring nature.All i could do was cry in that moment.It really was shit.I felt shaking.Wilbur was shaking me as i was in tears from my nightmare."Tommy what happened?!?"Wilbur asked worriedly."J-just a nightmare"I looked at Wilbur sobbing."Oh Tommy"Wilbur looked at me sadly.

Little did Tommy know,Techno was leaning right outside his door listening to everything.

In the morning,I felt like falling into an endless sleep.I was tired as hell after the shock from last night.Breakfast was awkward since Dadza had left to do kings duties.We don't spend many family moments like yesterday often as kings duties were always first.I sat on the stool swirling the cereal in my bowl into a whirlpool as i laughed to myself as i was lost in thought."so... how are you Tommy?"Techno asked in his usual monotone voice."Fine as always big man"I exclaimed with a smile slightly startled by his question."well that's good"He huffed as he continued to eat his breakfast.I wasn't very hungry so i put my plate in the sink and ran out to find Henry again for another fun day!But first i had to do the first ordeal of the day,Royal studies...

I dreaded having to learn royal etiquette and all that jazz every day but it was apparently a necessity according to Phil."Tommy will you listen please!"the teacher said angrily."Fine"I sighed while rolling my eyes.I wonder if Henry is fine without me for the time being,I'm sure he can handle himself.

As soon as I was out of that hell hole,I went to go look for Henry.I knew he would be around here somewhere.Then devastation knocked me in the face.Henry was caught in a hunters net.I swam as fast as i could rushing to try save my only friend.I reached the net and i was trying to untie the net as Henry was scrambling around with fear painted all over his face.Tommy hated this.Henry was out of the net after many attempts of untying the net but I was caught in its grasp.Henry looked terrified and I was crying out for Wilbur,Techno,Phil or anyone to come and help.Then realisation washed over me like a tsunami.I wasn't going to be saved here was i??

I closed my eyes and prayed that i would wake up in a more peaceful place.

Thanks for reaching this far on my first story!Sorry if this feels rushed i'm just tired.

This is Bubbles here :D 769 words....AYO

I hope you enjoy this chapter and who should Tommy meet and befriend in the next chapter.Well who knows...

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