Don't leave me... #7

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Techno's POV:
I ruffled Tommy's hair as we walked down the beach and i noticed that he was staring at the sea.His home.But it seems like he also has a life here."I see you are having a great life up here Theseus but i have to go back before father gets worried"I say sighing."No Techno,please don't leave me I wanna spend more time with you but i can face Phil"Tommy replies looking sad."Only one more day,okay?"I say reassuringly.Tommy's face lit up after i said those words like sunshine.I suggested that we go to the park as it would be a different experience for Tommy.As we walked there,he became his usual bubbly self.He was talking about what he saw and learnt from the surface and how it was so cool.I already knew all this as i go up here often but it was still nice to listen to him enthusiastically talk about it.If only life was this simple.I sat on the swing next to Tommy's.He was swinging back and forth happily until he fell off.We laughed as he brushed his jeans and abruptly got up,pretending that nothing happened.He chased eachother around as if we were children again.I missed before Phil forced royal duties into our lives.I missed when me,Wilbur and Tommy used to play in the seaweed and laugh.The feeling of being carefree left me long ago but I'm sure one day maybe in the future.I will be able to share a day with Tommy like this again."Do you wanna get some icecream,it's my treat?"I asked Tommy."Hell yeah!"Tommy replied with his smile growing.We walked down to the stand and ordered the icecream.Tommy got chocolate while i got mint."Mint is the worst flavour"Tommy says flatly."I just like it"I reply."You are weird techno"Tommy says jokingly.At least he's happy.

We sat on the beach pier and ate our Ice creams and noticed some villagers talking about an amazing catch.A mermaid.Anger swelled up inside me as i was meant to be the protection of our people but i had to keep cool for Tommy's sake."You heard that too tech?"Tommy whispered."Yeah"."We can't just leave her"Tommy said determined.I nodded and we approached the hunters."Hey,what are you doing to this innocent child?"Techno asks concerned."This here is a fine mermaid,her yellow scales will for sure make us heaps of gold."The tallest hunter said laughing.They all joined in laughing triumphantly at their catch.I watched as Tommy was furious."Hey,you know what else is funny"He asks mockingly."What"One of the hunters said."THIS"Tommy exclaims throwing sand in their eyes.He loaded his hands like a canon with sand and launched the balls at them,knocking every hunter like a fairground game."That's how it's done!"Tommy said grinning.I laughed while ruffling his hair."Well done sunshine"I replied."Now quickly swim far back to the kingdom"I say to the mermaid looking relieved on the deck."Why were you so nice?"She asks.Tommy bent down by the water and splashed some on his face.His ears became webbed and scales formed around.She understood and looked happily at us."Well thanks for saving me.The name's clementine but you can call me clem if you ever see me again!"Clementine says smiling.Tommy gave her a bubbly wave as she dived into the crystal sea.

"You did a good thing"I huff."Why thank you technoblade"Tommy says mockingly in a posh accent.I'm sure he will grow up to become a great king.Tommy talked about so many things he saw and did up here.They all sound nice and I'm glad he made some friends.I wish he shall be safe from this over world expedition.I don't mind how long he stays up here,as long as he will visit me and wilbur from time to time until he wishes to come back.As we walked back through town as the stars in the sky shined bright,Tommy grew drowsy and fell on the ground.I huffed and picked him up,dragging him back to the house he was talking about.I knocked on the door noticing the lights were on inside and the door opened within seconds."Hey,I'm Tommy's brother and I'm here to drop him off if that's fine"I say."Of course,It's no problem.Any family or friend of Toms is welcome"Purpled replied putting on a bright smile."Please take care of him,he's quite a bubbly and happy person"I say chuckling."Yeah,I promise to take care of him to the best of my ability"Purpled says determined."Alright kiddo"I say waving as i left Tommy in his care.He looked so happy to have Tommy in his hands.A little too happy...Might just be a best friends thing.I don't know much about it.I hope he keeps his promise.As i walked into the mellow,warm sea,i looked back to see the happy town of L'manberg.I wished i could trust it but it lost my faith in it all too long ago.

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