Friends #3

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Tommy POV:

"Friends?"Tommy asks Purpled."Friends!"Purpled exclaims.We hopped onto his fluffy sofa and talked about the things we like.Things aren't so different as the ocean kingdom  here.We shared similar interests and talked about them for hours until we realised it was already dark outside.You could see the moon and stars shining through the windows.Shaped like half moon cookies.These thoughts only made my hungrier until I heard it.My stomach rumbled like an earthquake.I looks at Purpled embarrassed and he just laughed.Laughing is almost always infectious which always makes me burst out laughing so much I start crying."Would you like some pasta"Purpled asked breaking the laughter.""Sounds good"I say.The pasta looked delicious when it was finished cooking.I immediately cleaned the plate within seconds."You were seriously THAT hungry huh."Purpled said jokingly.I scoffed."Thanks for the meal anyways!"I say smiling.He exchanges a warm smile then leads me up to the guest bedroom where I will be staying.

"I really can't thank you enough PurpledI say thankful."Oh it's no problem, you are my new friend after all!"I said good night and jumped into bed as he left.And then I drifted off to sleep.I was speedily swimming through the water laughing while racing Wilbur.He was trying to catch up while laughing uncontrollably.I miss him already.Although,I found a new anger swelling up inside me from the last dream I had.A drive for vengeance for my mother.A kind, sweet person only out of my grasp floating lifeless in the water.I tossed and turned while sleeping thinking about who dared kill my mother.I could only see the shadow of a bandana tied across someone's head from the boat above reeling her dead body in.I wish these stupid scales were worthless, then nobody would want to hunt merpeople.But for now,I feel happy and safe.So I decided to lay and rest.

In the morning I woke up before purpled did and got dressed into the spare clothes he gave me to wear since my old ones were wrecked.It was a jumper that said club Sunday with jeans and a white shirt.It surprisingly fit perfectly.I thought it really suited me as I cheerfully went downstairs to cook breakfast for Purpled.It was the least I could do for him letting me stay.I learnt that from my manners lessons.I think they are boring but I had to do them anyways for royal etiquette.I made eggs with bacon and toast which I set on the table while I cleaned the dishes.I heard Purpled walk down to stairs and I greeted him."Hello Purp"I said happily."Hey Toms"."Why did you do all this"He said surprised looking at the plate of food steaming on the table."Well, It's the least I could do for you letting me stay here".I exclaimed."You don't need to!"Purpled said pushing away all the offers.I gave in and accepted eventually after10 minutes of debating which made the eggs go colder but they were still luke warm.

We ate then decided to go out."Where should we go though?"I asked."Well,we could go to the plaza!"He replied.It sounded amazing just from its name and I was sure right when we got there.So many stands and shops in the town square.One caught my eye though.A bakery stand.It had fresh steaming goods lure me in to see what it was about."Oh,this is Niki's bakery stand.She sells her baked goods here every day!"Purpled said.I nodded understandingly and waited for the cashier to arrive."Hello and Welcome to my stand,my name is niki!"She said cheerfully."Hello!I would like to buy 2 custard and jam donuts please!"I asked.She nodded and asked for the payment.I received a pouch of money from Purpled earlier as we left the door for spending at the marketplace."Would you like to hang out after your stall shuts for the day?"Purpled asks Niki."Sure!"She smiles.

It is 7:00pm and me,Purpled and Niki are sitting on a grassy hill watching the sun go down while chatting.We talked about baking and all kinds of things.It felt nice to have friends other than a sea cow and my family.It felt right.

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