What is up with him? #5

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Niki's POV:
"Purpled sure was in a rush wasn't he"I said sighing."Yeah,strangely"Tommy replied."Is he not okay with the fact in a merperson?"."Maybe"I replied.Purpled has never acted like that before.I wonder what was up.He seemed tense."why are you not freaked out Niki?"Tommy asked sadly."About what"."That i'm different..."Tommy said."Well,My parents always said that the merpeople were just like us.They have regular lives but just underwater"I explained."I believe that it shouldn't matter what the person is but only about how they are as a person"I beamed."That's a nice way to think"Tommy replied happily.I am happy that Tommy felt welcome.Although,Purpled is acting awfully weird.Something is wrong."I have to go back to re-stock the bakery for Sunday sale,Bye Tommy!"."Bye!"He said waving.He is so kind.I followed the directions that Purpled went all the way up to this run-down house,where i crouched down by the window to listen."So to get that beauty to be all ours we need to get that girl out of the way."Punz said smiling.That's Purpled's brother.What could he be planning?"What did you say her name was;it was Niki wasn't it?"Punz said questioning his younger brother."Yes it was"Purpled said laughing.Oh no.This can't be good at all.They want to kidnap Tommy and get rid of me.I gasped not knowing it was loud enough for them to hear.I heard their footsteps get closer and closer until they stopped.

"Nothings here"Punz said sighing."Must've been a gust or something"Purpled said shrugging.I let out a small,quiet sigh of relief."Soon that perfect mermaid will be ours"Punz said grinning maliciously."He's only mine"Purpled said with a cold glare."Whatever you say brother"Punz said dismissing him."I need to go back to make sure they don't get suspicious of me.I waited for Purpled to leave and then I ran.Faster than i ever could back home.I needed to think of a plan myself to make sure i don't die because who would protect my brother and save my new friend.I can't believe Purpled could take on this Psychotic behaviour.Maybe i just never saw it but it was right under my nose.I reached home panting and crying.The pain in my legs hurt so much from running so far."Why are you so tired Niki"Ranboo asked."I-I saw some-"I was cut off by something that made my skin go pale white and my heart stopped."Yeah,why are you so tired Niki"Purpled asked me with a smile on his face.Such a fake.But how?How did he manage to get here before me?I was so scared,I passed out from shock.

Purpled's POV:
"Lets lay Niki down on the sofa"I said to Ranboo."Okay!"He nodded in agreement as we lifted Niki up and gently placed her down."I'm sorry"I say looking regretful."What did you do"Ranboo asked concerned.Ah yes all to my plan i though as i started to fake cry."Our new friend Tommy,started chasing niki down and beating her and i couldn't stop him because i wasn't fast enough."I say sobbing."He did WHAT to my sister!"Ranboo shouted."That's why Niki was so tired and fainted"I said calming down a bit."I'm sorry you and Niki had to face that monster"Ranboo said looking sincere."It's okay...but i want revenge for all the horrible things he did and i want you to help"I said still sobbing quietly to sound more convincing."I would always help you you Purpled,you are so kind and thoughtful."Ranboo said determined."Well...I want to kidnap Tommy"I said looking sad."But-but i can't kidnap anyone that's terrible let alone torture them-"Ranboo said before i cut him off."We can't accept the things he did to Niki and he must face the consequences."I said looking at Ranboo directly teary-eyed."I will never let anyone hurt Niki,I will help"Ranboo said looking angry."Thank you for helping"I said walking slumply."Take care of Niki"I reply."I will"Ranboo says fiercely.I walk out of the door,shutting it quietly to ensure my emotion doesn't show.As soon as i leave the range of their household,I laugh wiping the tears from my eyes.It was all too easy.That little boy will do anything i say with a little manipulation.This is why children are the best people to plan out your desires.They will think it's all for the good and helping people when they will only bring suffering.Truly an amusing puppet show.I have everyone wrapped around my finger.I almost feel bad that they are this foolish.All to my plan.

Hii Bubbles!
This is the end of chapter 5/18 :D
Thank you reading through so far,i really appreciate all your kindness!
The writing was exactly 800 words!!

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