Wilbur... What is going on? #14

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Wilbur's POV:

The papers in my hand floated softly in the calm sea breeze.This is too much work.The bags under my eyes weighed down like bricks hanging from my face awkwardly.I practically fell into my chair as I spun around.Then i heard it.A deafening cry that rung with pain and sorrow.Another problem added to my pile but this one was more important.It sounds like Tommy.I got up in shock trying to pick out what he was saying but to no avail.All i could hear was "Help help!Save me save me!"over and over.Like a broken record bringing tears to my eyes.What happened to my sweet,little brother to make him cry out in agony.I could do nothing but cry hearing my brother weep out begging me to save him.But I'm not that strong and father wouldn't care about Tommy.Why does he always blame Tommy?It's not his fault it's the hunter's fault.Phil just wants a person to blame to take his anger out on.With the overbearing thoughts in my head paired with the horrible,sickening chant of terror repeating in my head,I ran outside to get some fresh air.I breathed in through my gills and out slowly.The puffy,pale corral swayed peacefully in the sea breeze.My hair fluttering around wildly.I need to think of a plan.

I swam towards the planning room as I thought about what would happen if I failed my little brother.What if i cant save him?What if i can't reach him in time?I didn't know i started crying.As the tears streamed down my face,I drifted over to my seat at the planning table.My name ingraved in a deep blue on a plush,comfortable chair.I looked around to see Dream's,Techno's,Phil's,Deo's and Tommy's...Each looked very nice until i reached Tommy's and deo's.They looked like the cheap rejects from the other chairs.It was a daily reminder that Emperor Phil doesn't care for Tommy.I fell into my chair as i sighed.Then I heard it.A tap on the prismarine floor.I looked up to see Dream."What are you doing here?"I asked startled."I could ask the same for you prince Wilbur"Dream replied concerned."I got a siren's distress call from prince Tommy"I cried looking solemn."Oh...That's a problem."Dream said not knowing what to say.He sat there and said reassuring things to try calm me down until I could decide what to do."What do you plan?"Dream asked walking over to the tactics table."Well i heard the siren's call coming from above so I think that Tommy is at the surface..."I said trailing on."So we have to do an ambush on the surface when they are all occupied and track Tommy down in the ruckus."I added."I overheard there being a festival soon in the surface?Maybe that will work."Dream remarked."I say lets do it!"Wilbur said brightening up.

Punz's POV:
Warning:being a big bully to our little siren boi Y-Y

"You know Purpled...I still haven't got to see this Tommy after being kidnapped"Punz led on."No Punz,you aren't seeing Tommy."Purpled replied blankly."He is mine only"He added."Aw,you're no fun little brother"Punz said mocking the purple blob."I guess i will go to the wall,have fun"Punz sighed waving."Alright..."Purpled said sinking into his couch.I am not going to listen to my little brother when our Toms is just a walk away.I strolled down while looking behind me to make sure Purpled isn't watching me and dashed for the forest.I brushed away the moss and revealed the oak trapdoor underneath.I jump inside as my footsteps.I heard shuffling from Tommy's room as i got closer and closer."Hello golden boy!"Punz said smiling."Um,who are you?"Tommy said startled shuffling back.His face was stained with his tears.How cute."Are you here to save me?"Tommy said looking hopeful."Of course not,I'm here for your scales."I replied with a devilish smile."What?"Tommy looked devastated with fear in his eyes.It looked like he had given up all entirely.I pulled out a water bottle as I approached the small,cowering boy infront of me.I splashed the water all over him as he transformed.His tail had a dull,sad red colour to it as he looked like a mess."Where are your shimmering scales?"I say looking at him angrily."I don't know."Tommy replied blankly.I yanked a handful of his red scales out and he cried out in agony.He screamed out crying in pain with the echoes haunting the hallway."Will you shut up?"I screamed as I slapped the boy across the face.Anger took over me as i hit and hit him,blood dripping all over the floor as I carried on.As soon as I calmed down,I ran.

Sorry this took so long Bubbles!
I have been too busy!
Enjoy 810 words! <3

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