You're the fool. #15

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Niki POV:
"The summer festival is coming up Ranboo!It's time to prepare."I say carrying a pile of papers to sign and contracts."Shouldn't you be resting,that Tommy hurt you badly"Ranboo replies frowning."How many times do I have to say-"I was cut off by Ranboo hugging me."I just want you to be safe you know that right?"Ranboo says questioning me."Yeah...I know""Good!"Ranboo cheerfully exclaims while walking upstairs."Be careful!""I will."I say halfheartedly.Purpled has manipulated everyone including my poor,naive brother.How will I be able to expose him for his sick plans in a way everyone will listen to.That's when I came up with the idea.I can make a speech talking sbout how much Purpled has contributed to our town then trail on to the horrible things he has done.This will make everyone hate him and kick him out.I need to make a stable and persuassive argument though because everyone is Purpled's pawns known to them as friends.I need to get proof of Tommy in danger.I checked through my phone with my nails digging into the fluffy white case as I nervously looked to find the proof.The hidden section of my photos was open to find the video of Purpled's conversation with his brother Punz.Then I remembered Tommy.Tommy was in danger.He was right next to Purpled.Wrapped around his finger and played like a puppet.Dancing around tirelessly until you break.We were all like toys in a toy box,waiting to be picked up and thrown around and pushed to our limits.All these thoughts crouding in my head lead me along to my desk as I wrote.The words spun around on the page like a solemn symphony,dragging along like a person who had all the life taken away from them.I didn't notice the tears splatter onto the pages.That's when i started sobbing.

I couldn't control them.Slow,small tears staining my face.Messing my mascara,leaving it in black stains.I can't be like this.Many are also suffering like me and I just have to work through it.Through the tears,my strength grew.I never really took in the horrible things Purpled has done.I need to finish this quickly though no time to think.As i scribbled the last few words down which were stuck on my mind for hours,I finished.I need to cover up the work I have been doing.I get to work on the large pile of paperwork on my desk,flying through the many confirmation letters for the concert's band members and their records.All the catering,music,entertainment,guests and events have all been planned.Now is the hard part...Taking it to the board.I mustered up the courage to go into the community centre and up the stairs to the governers board room.I slowly walking in,taking a deep breath only to find all the members  staring into my soul.Fundy,Eret,Hannah,George and Sam were all sitting in their seats,waiting for my event board.I took another final deep breath as I made my way to the stand and just started.

"The festival will start at 4pm tomorrow with an opening intermission song from the band as people arrive where there will be market stalls alligned guiding to the stage decorated in sunflowers and seashells with bright neon lights to help everyone to arrive safely."I said showing the first board.The governers looked impressed while i showed the detailed drawings and map of the festival."There will be refreshments for two emeralds at the entrance and food stands laid out around the festival square courtesy of Niki's bakery and Ponk's italia."I added showing the board.They all looked excited which made me smile.I had managed to win over the board so far and it's only the 2nd board.I was buzzing with fulfillment but I still had to finish."Then the band will get everyones attention by playing a chill song that brings good vibes then two more summer songs."I added."And the finale will end with me giving a speech on this great summer we have had!"I finished happily with clapping all around.Everyone loved it."That was so good!"Fundy exclaimed."Calm down furry boy but it was pretty good!"George added."Hey!"Fundy said getting angry."Let's not fight after Niki's great storyboard"Eret calmed them down."I'm glad you all like it I am surely tired though.I think I will go home"I sighed."Sure!I'm excited for tomorrow!"Everyone chimed.

"It was a hit Ranboo!"I say excitedly."That's good Ranboo smiled."Well I'm off to the gardens to plant the plants I still haven't planted!"Ranboo said cheerfully."Alright,but didn't you plant them with Tommy?"I ask confused."Um...We didn't finish"My brother said walking off briskly.That's strange.A little too odd for Ranboo.

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