It's okay to cry sometimes #10

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Tommy's POV:
I got up slipping over my tears then ran out of the bakery.Why was he so horrible to me?The waterfall of tears wouldn't stop as they stained my face.I ran and ran feeling like I could run from my problems but i was just lost in the forest on the outskirts of L'manberg.I huddled beside a tree and just let it out.My screams ans sobs in the shady,cold woods echoed.All the sadness built up and compressed ever since i was young was released.It felt like fire burning inside me but felt lifting.It's only human nature to cry when sad but that could be said for all creatures.Anyone or anything could be swallowed up by the overbearing sadness that hit them like a truck.Only mine didn't stop.It flooded like a sunken monument.Until i heard a voice."Tommy?"Purpled said looking saddened."P-Purpl-led"I say looking up teary eyed.He sat down next to me as I look bewildered by still a trainwreck."What a-re yo-u doin-g here?"I questioned still sounding muffled and raspy from crying."I came looking for you after you didn't come home"Purpled said rubbing my back softly."I-Im so s-o sor-ry P-Purpl-ed"I say crying more.He just smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

I felt dizzy and then I saw darkness."What's wrong sunflower?"I heard a kind voice from afar.It sounded like a woman."M-Mom"I reply looking shocked.She was standing right infront of me.Her dark,brown hair flowing around her crystal."Why are you crying?"She asked softly.I burst into tears and hugged her.I made sure to never let go,not then,not now."Everything will be okay sunflower"Mother said soothingly rubbing my back."Why don't people like me?"I ask her looking for an answer."It's because you are unique and special but that's a good thing remember"She replied."The world would be boring if everyone was the same"She added."But why am I crying so much?"I say saddened."Because it shows you have a heart"Mother says happily."It's okay to cry sometimes"She adds sitting down with me."Thank you"I say."For everything""Anytime sunshine"She says."It's time to wake up though"Mother says looking a bit sadder."Why?I want to stay here forever"I reply worried."Don't worry,I will always be with you"Her voice echoes and i see the light.

"Wake up sleepyhead"Purpled says laughing.I push him over and we laugh together."Do you feel any better or do you need more comforting"He says looking concerned."I'm fine now but..."I say."Can we pleaseeeeeee get some mac and cheese I'm so hungryyyyy"I say begging Purpled."Ofcourse sunshine!"Purpled says brightening up.We walk down to the story time cafe to be met by a bald man."Hello what can i get ya?"He asks."Hey jack could we get a crispy,triple mac and cheese and a brie and bacon toastie?"Purpled asks."Sure mate!"Jack says cheerfully."Any sauce?"He adds."C r a n b e r r y"Purpled says looking menacing."Alright alright calm down"Jack says backing away."Good!"Purpled replied with a smile.Creepy...

We sit down and wait for our food."I wonder where Niki is,I didn't see her at the bakery"I say sighing."Oh she's just...sick she told me"Purpled said looking down."Oh,tell her i hope she gets better soon!"I reply smiling."Hah softinnit"A voice in my head says."Oh shut up Intrusive thought"I say looking annoyed."Aww you say that but you know i keep you entertained"Intrusive thought replies.I look around awkwardly as i wait for the food as Purpled is on his phone.Then after ages of waiting...

The food still hasn't arrived."If my mac and cheese doesn't arrive in 5 minutes,we are gonna have problems"I say overcome by hunger.Then it arrived.The gooey cheese melted under the crispy breadcrumb and parmesean topping.Purpled's toastie was steaming with delight.The brie was plentiful with chewy,salty bacon and sweet cranberry sauce.On a side with salad and crisps and toasted to the perfect griddle.My mouth watered looking at it."Do you uhhh want my lunch?"Purpled asks looking like he was about to burst out laughing."It's fine it's yours anyways"I reply embarrassed."Here"He says.He switches our plates around and the delicious smell of the toastie make me eat it hungrilly.The flavour was just so good.Too good to not eat.I cleaned the plate in under 2 minutes."Wow!"Purpled looked shocked."I guess you could say i'm kind of a food fan"I reply looking sheepishly.Purpled just laughed as he finished his mac and cheese."Yknow,maybe go to Ranboo he is really nice maybe he just had a bad day and you could be friends"Purpled suggested."Yeah that sounds good!"I reply.

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