Fate In Forests (part one)

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Just a little oneshot I wrote because I was getting dark sbi brainrot. Enjoy! 


The sunlight reflected from the bright forest leaves, casting the dangerous meadow in a warm glow.

To an outsider, it would seem like a peaceful place, full of glimmering morning dew and blooming flowers that stretched to the sky as their purple and red petals were blown in the wind. Their intoxicating scent spread along the ground like a snake, slithering its way into his senses as he laid his head upon their waves of color. The greenery nearby him opened their light leaves to the sun at his presence, his being filling them with the life that he'd had stolen from him.

Serene. Peaceful. Warm. Home, the foliage sang to him, calling for him to sink into their warmth. He did. They offered him what the world outside of the forest lacked. Here, he no longer felt empty. The pieces hidden away in the overgrown vines, hung from the towering trees, drifting across the ground in lazy waves, found him here. While he was in the city, they were known to cower away in shadows, tucked beneath walls that hid his inner feelings in order to uphold his happy facade.

But here, only here, could he drop that facade. The crows that guided him to this meadowed spot understood that. They understood the feeling of sinking into the soft, plush grass, better than any manmade carpet. They understood the contentment that came with the swaying of the cool breeze, unreplicable by electronic fans or passing cars. They understood the happiness that the fluttering butterflies instilled in his heart as they danced throughout the sky in a silent tango, void of the usually manufactured feeling that the scattered wildlife had in the city park.

Tommy smiled as he heard an echoing caw to his right, a stark contrast to the gentle blowing of the breeze. A slight ruffle, a flap of wings, and another attention-seeking call echoed through the overhanging trees that surrounded him as a pitch-black crow landed gently on his arm, claws wrapping around his arm in a tender squeeze. He cracked his eyes open, raising at the tilted head of the creature, pointed ears slightly tilted towards the sound.

"Hello there," he hummed. "Does Phil want me back already?"

Beady eyes pinned him with a look as the crow cawed again in a greeting. Hello-hi-Tommy!-pog-hey-what-doing? It tilted its head in question.

Tommy rubbed his eyes with his free hand, squinting at the overhead glare of the sun. "Sleeping. Until you came here."

Awww-sleepy-boi-real-sorry! The crow chattered to itself, seeming not sorry at all by its unchanged expression as it pecked him on the arm. It cawed again.


"No," Tommy shrugged, gently lifting the crow up from his arm and setting it on the soft grass. It tilted its head in blatant annoyance.





There was a faint swooping of wings as two more crows descended from the sky, briefly blocking out the blinding light from above before coming to a stop on his arm. They each pecked him a few times, squawking in annoyance. Their efforts amused Tommy.

"I'm not going. Tell Phil I'm comfortable here. I don't wanna go back," he sighed dramatically, closing his eyes once again.

There was a more aggressive poke to his shoulder, making Tommy flinch.

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