Hold Me Close

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*carefully sneak up behind you, tapping you on the shoulder in the dead of night, cradling this fic like a child*

Look, is b a b y

*proceeds to throw smol fluffy fic and run*

Hope you enjoy! This is the first time ive written avian fluff, so let me know how i did <3


Tommy sighed, leaning into the careful hold that carried him into a warm room, heat radiating from flickering candles and the dim light that surrounded the room. Bundles of fabric carefully wrapped around him as he was set down in the nest, his wings kept untucked as they flopped onto the blankets. He heard a warm chuckle, a Techno's body settling beside his, and a hand gently resting on his back.

He let out a slight warble, basking in the contentment that was so foreign to the coldness of his prison cell, chained and left alone to rot. Now, instead of harsh hands tugging him by his fragile wings, soft touches urged him to press his head into his brother's neck.

He received a satisfied rumble at the movement, one hand moving to sift through his head and root him to his spot. Another hand pried apart his wings, shifting them so they lay open on top of them. Nimble fingers traced over the vibrant red feathers.

A trill unwillingly slid past his lips as a jolt of nerves raced through his wings at the touch, falling limp almost immediately into his brother's hold. It felt amazing to have those sharp claws using such caution to pick through his wings, picking away specs of dirt and plucking the few old feathers.

Flock-mine-mine-nest-home, screamed his birdbrain. Tommy was too overwhelmed by his instincts to protest, merely grumbling, much to Techno's amusement. His claws traced over the base of his wing, making him let out a satisfied chirp.

It took a few, short minutes for Techno to finish preening that section, rumbling comfortingly and cooing softly as Tommy's bones turned to pudding, burying his face into the pink strands of his brother's hair and pressing into the warmth of his neck. A hand paused for a moment to play with the baby hairs on the base of his scalp, moving to trace the shell of his ears and run the tips of his fingers over the golden piercings that glittered along the skin.

The deep rumble his brother emitted shook him to his core, urging him to grumble in the complaint as his wing was left further unpreened.

Techno chuckled at his neediness, sending a patience-calm-relax-fledgeling , through the bond. Tommy's complaints instantly vanished from his tongue, instead choosing to close his eyes and wrap his arms around his brother's chest, squeezing them more tightly together so he could be used as a personal heater.

Techno squeezed him back for a long moment, admiring the gold that glinted on his ear, before tenderly lifting the fledgling's wing so he could reach the underside, removing the final few feathers and brushing away the itchy dirt and grime. When he was done, he let the limb fall, Tommy carefully moving it and whistling at how light and freeing it felt.

He was slowly shifted to the side, freeing up his second dirtied wing so Techno could easily reach it, running his fingers through the soft feathers and gently scratching Tommy's hair. He melted into a pile of coos and whistled, unable to do anything else but vocalize his comfort, and collapsed against his brother.

His second wing was carefully preened, a small pile of feathers on the floor around them as his brother gently rubbed the base of his wings, allowing them to stretch out and Tommy to chirp in satisfaction at the easy movement, no itchiness or stiffness any longer.

He blinked up blearily at the figure of his brother, but a gentle stroke over his eyes urged them to lull back shut.


Tommy sighed, wrapping his small wings around them both, the world turning into a comforting black as his brother pressed his face into his hair. His chest rumbled deeply, the sound soothing his senses into sleepy compliance.

He was asleep in moments, safe in the arms of his flock.



I think this is the shortest oneshot ive ever written but when i say the brainrot took full charge this time around I MEAN it. Like i was possessed. Might need an exorcism

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed! This was the first time ive written avian fluff so id appreciate it if you told me how i did/what to improve <3

As always, stars, bookmarks, and comments are appreciated 

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