Well, Guess I'm A Brother Figure Now

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two oneshots in one day ahhhhhhhh. and this isn't even dark sbi. think ima change the booklet title to & Fluffy Oneshots because that's like 50% of the fics I've put in here

but This is. This is pure crack treated seriously.

The plan started out as wholesome brotherly bonding. And then it transformed to wilbur and tommy absolutely going for each others throats in a very *serious* and totally *legit and realistic* manner. (/j) and they attempt to make cupcakes. Which goes...great.

This fic escalates quickly. Brace yourself

:D enjoy my next MTM event submission. I do not know what happened and have never written this type of fic before so go easy on me :D

Synopsis: Cryptid Wilbur babysits human Tommy


There was a click of a doorknob as Tommy's parents left the house, and the boy was alone.

Immediately, he was surrounded by a thick wave of silence; the type that always fills a room when all previous residents are gone. It was almost eerie, in a way, with the sudden lack of footsteps over carpeted floor and open and close of cabinet hinges. Gone were the murmuring voices; replaced by Tommy's suddenly shortened breaths.

But he wasn't scared of being alone. No, he was a big man! Being home by himself wasn't a terrifying prospect at all! In fact, Tommy decided as he slowly opened his room door, hinges squeaking with every inch, he was going to have fun while his parents were away. It wasn't often that he had the entire house to himself, including an unguarded bowl of cookies and free T.V. No time limits on what shows he wanted to watch, no snaps when he tried to jump on the couch, and, most importantly, no one to tell him no .

So, naturally, Tommy was going to take advantage of it, even if the random creaks and groans that echoed throughout the house made him flinch. Those were just old home noises, just like his parents had told him. Not monsters under his bed using the boy's newfound vulnerability to stalk him before attacking. He was fine. Perfectly safe and unharmed. And he would decidedly continue to be healthy, despite what his mind conjured.

(He was really regretting sneaking in to watch that one horror movie with his parents where the creepy girl crawled out of the screen.)

On second thought, maybe he would stay away from the TV.

Tommy sighed, ignoring the sound of his mother's car starting and backing out of the driveway, instead walking over to the kitchen. The unguarded cookie jar sat precariously close to the edge of the counter, freshly baked chocolate chip pastries tauntingly piled to the top.

The boy smiled, standing on his tiptoes and reaching up to grab the sides of the glass, fingers nearly slipping and dropping it. His arms shook as he carefully lowered it down, hugging it close to his chest partly in victory and partly in fear of dropping it.

Already, his genius plan was going perfectly. Now, he could eat all the cookies he wanted and his parents couldn't stop him! Honestly, he was disappointed that his family hadn't decided to leave him home alone before now. He was missing out on so much!

He laughed to himself as he made his way to the living room, arms still wrapped tightly around the cookies. Floorboards creaked beneath his weight as he walked, creaking an eerie tune with every step.

Tommy made a face but tried his best not to focus on it; how it sounded so alike to the creaking he'd heard in the attic.

Glass clinked as he set his treasure down onto the coffee table before stepping close to the large television screen, fumbling around behind the stand to search for a familiar shape. After a few long moments, he retrieved a Nintendo Switch from within the darkness behind the TV stand, quickly going back to the couch to sit down and boot it up. He cheerily opened up Animal Crossing and the upbeat theme replaced the sickening silence of the house.

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