The Lies You Told

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IMPORTANT NOTE: this isn't technically sbi, but is some crimebois angst with tallulah inspired by qsmp streams. i didn't have a better place to post it, but I might move it to another oneshot collection if I keep writing more dadbur/qsmp stuff

Anyways, back with a dadbur oneshot with a heavy heavy HEAVY dose of angst after watching qsmp streams. Tallulah my beloved.

Hope you guys enjoy! Apologies for any errors, I was sobbing while writing most of this lmao and only read it over once before posting, so sorry for any mistakes. 

this is a 5&1 fic, so basically five times wilbur chooses tallulah over tommy, and the one time he doesn't 


The changes were gradual, so slight, that it took Tommy months to finally realize what had happened. That his only piece of family was slowly replacing him. That he and his father were drifting apart; the rope tying them together fraying in the middle until it snapped.

Until Tommy was left to wade in the sea alone, tossed by waves of memories before they dragged him beneath the surface.

Drowning under the thought of what once was, and who had taken his place.



It was early December when Tommy noticed the first of the signs.

Wilbur was walking cheerily beside him, one arm looped across his shoulders and tugging him securely into his side under the safety of his trench coat. The bright sidewalk glared from the intensity of the sun above them despite the thin layer of ice covering the roads, their crunching footsteps swallowed by the noise of the rest of the busy city. They calmly strolled past the marketplace, eyeing food stalls all the while.

The arm around Tommy was both a reassurance and one of comfort. Wilbur knew of his past, the trauma he had when his parents had left him alone in a crowded street, not unlike this one, to starve or be stabbed by a desperate thief. His presence reminded him that he would not repeat the monsters' actions. That he cared, just as he had that night when he carefully took Tommy back to his hold and given him a hot meal of soup. Like he had when he'd held Tommy as he threw it back up, stomach unused to such a large and rich portion of food.

After all, Wilbur was here to stay.

He reminded Tommy of that almost every day. And each time, Tommy would smile and hug his father, thankful for the man who had taken him under his wing. But a small part of him lived in a state of disbelief, sure that the love he was given was temporary; that his time was limited.

Tommy told himself that he knew that wasn't true.

The hand resting on his shoulder squeezed gently, drawing his gaze away from where it sat fixated on the pale sidewalk. He turned to meet concerned brown eyes looking down on him, eyebrows ever so slightly knitted in worry.

"You alright, darling?" Wilbur asked him gently, drawing him more securely into his side despite how they almost tripped over one another's feet. Tommy sighed, leaning into the reprieve from the chilling air, hiding in the coat as they stepped around passersby. He didn't like to hang around marketplaces like these for long.

Wilbur gently kissed the hair on his head as they walked. "Toms, honey, you were dissociating. I can walk you home if you'd like and just come back later if you're-"

"I'm fine," Tommy quickly said, plastering a smile on his face.

At Wilbur's disbelieving expression, he quickly added: "Trust me, Dad. I was just thinking."

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