Blame Can't Help Us Now

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Hellooo i am back and ready for whumptober !! (except I barely have any fics done oh god oh shit-)

This is for Day One of Whumptober: Bruises/scars/"thats going to leave a mark" (im doing the one by @a_piglins on twitter)

Anyways, tws are heavy for this one since it is Whumptober so please make sure to read all of the tags. This is dark content. It is not like some of my happy wholesome fics. Please be safe guys <33

TWs: graphic violence, torture (done by the Hero Agency, not sbi), dark themes, possessive behavior. Please let me know if i forget anything :D

Anyways hope you guys enjoy :D <3 happy whumptober

Synopsis: Villain wilbur and Tommy are captured by the hero Agency. It doesn't go well for them


The room was cold, and the chains wrapping around his ankles certainly didn't help. What once was lukewarm metal now felt like they were made of ice, almost burning his leg they were so cold; unbearably, impossibly cold. It didn't help that they looped around his wrist and torso too, turning him into an immovable block. He could already see red rings form from where the cuffs touched, bruised and cut from his previous attempts to escape, some scratches around his skin from where he'd tried to yank them off to no avail.

And as chains scrapped against the concrete floor, as Wilbur tried to sit up in his seat, he saw that Tommy wasn't doing much better.

The kid was still passed out, the long cut going across his cheek all the way to his neck now covered in dry blood and coating a good portion of his shirt. His mask was long discarded across the floor, somewhere in one of those dark corners he couldn't see into, no matter how much he squinted. Where blue eyes had once gleaned with mischief behind the fabric, they were now grey and dull, with no more childlike enthusiasm to hide from the public.

It was yet another thing the Hero Agency had stolen from the boy. First, his childhood, now his new identity.

That hurt worse than the chains ever could.

Wilbur coughed, his throat dry from the layer of dust that seemed to permeate the air, chains rattling with his every gasp of air. Tommy seemed to move ever so slightly at this; his eyebrows furrowing, his mouth twisting into a deep frown, still in pain, even while asleep.

It made him want to scream at the sky he hadn't seen in days; to rip a hand up through the clouds and drag down whoever was in charge, to throttle them and feel them gasp for breath until he was satisfied. To make them apologize and beg for mercy for ever allowing his little brother to be trapped in such a fucking hellhole, when all he'd ever done was try to live a normal life outside of the manipulative control of the Agency.

All he wanted was for them to go home to Phil and Techno. Tommy could fall asleep on his shoulder again after demanding that they watch another animal documentary, pretending to complain whenever he'd wake up to Wilbur cuddling with him. Laughing on rooftops as they searched for any nearby crime, coaxing the younger to calm down after seeing one of the heroes run by in search of him, hugging him tightly into his chest with his chin on his head as running a hand through his hair. Smiling to himself when his brother would only fully relax in his hold and no one else's.

He'd taken that perfect routine for granted. And now, he had no idea if they would ever be able to return to it.

The Agency had made sure of that when they'd attacked the both of them in broad daylight, hitting Tommy in one smooth swing of a sword and dragging Wilbur away from the kid kicking and screaming like he was the one that had been stabbed.

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