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Hello! Back again with yet another vampire oneshot because they are my hyperfixation.

Writers block did slap me in the face while writing this though, just a warning. It might not be my best work, but i still feel like its defintely worth posting because...vampire dadbur fluff

Hope you enjoy! Tws are vampire turning and mention of blood (this is a vamp fic)

Synopsis: vampire wilbur turns his human son


"Toms, honey, I want to make sure that you're certain you want this," Wilbur asked slowly, his hands resting on the younger's shoulders. Vibrant red eyes peered into light blue, watching for the slightest flicker of hesitation, the merest sign that Tommy wanted to back out but didn't have the courage to.

He had none.

For as long as he could remember, ever since he first met Wilbur–his father – in a rundown blood bank, he'd wanted so desperately to join him. To eternally be a part of the coven bond that tied vampires together, attaching their souls and emotions until they perfectly matched one another. And Wilbur was the exact person he'd wanted to be with forever.

Tommy took a long but steady breath, smiling at the elder's heightened caution. He had always been the worrier of the pair, always ensuring that Tommy was safe and happy, that he was sure with his every decision. Even though Tommy had already been talking about being turned years before, the man was still worried that he would change his mind. That he was scared of what he was.

When, in reality, he was the furthest thing from scared. Not when it came to his Dad.

"I'm sure , Dad," Tommy said with an edge of teasing, peering into the sea of red flickering in Wilbur's eyes. "I promise, I know what I want. We've gone over this before."

"I know, but-"

" Dad ."

"It's a big choice," Wilbur defended, chewing on the inside of his cheek. " And you're only 18. I just don't want you to regret anything like I did, darling."

Tommy sighed, gently leaning closer to wrap his father in a hug, pressing his face against the light blue sweater he wore. Hands immediately shifted to drag him closer, sifting through his hair and absentmindedly combing through the golden strands. It was such an instinctive movement–habitual– that the boy couldn't resist smiling at the soothing movement.

"I'm sure ," he mumbled against soft fabric, fuzzy against his cheek. "I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life, Dad. Please."

He felt a kiss get pressed against the top of his head, the arms briefly squeezing him before releasing.

"Okay," Wilbur whispered. "If you promise me."

One of his hands dropped down to trace against the skin of his unmarred throat, outlining the vein running up the side. Tommy couldn't resist leaning into the touch.

"I promise," he replied without hesitation.

There was a heavy moment of silence, and for a split second, Tommy wondered if Wilbur was going to change his mind. He squeezed his eyes shut, fingers twisting into the fabric on the back of the baby blue sweater.

But then he felt the warm breath ghosting over his neck, instinctively making him freeze. His head was gently tilted to the side to bare his throat to the elder, all the while he tensed, gritting his teeth as he prepared for the sharp sting of pain.

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