In The End (I'll Always Choose You)

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So. you guys really really liked Rise With Us; Fall With Us. So i made another one like it because the dark sbi brainrot is going CRAZYYYYy and i had so much fun writing this

reminder that all relationships depicted in any of my sbi fics are entirely platonic

Hope you enjoy <3 

tws: nonconsensual drug use (weakness potion), implications of violence, typical dark sbi possessiveness

Synopsis:  Tommy is sent to kill the Blood God by the Hero Agency, not knowing that it was his brother underneath the mask. (cue the instincts and adoption)


"Tommy," Techno asked carefully, tilting his head. "I need you to tell me the truth."

The boy barely held back a sob at the words, wincing as the elder gently cupped his cheek, thumb gently tracing over the still-bleeding cut running just below his eye. Trickles of blood traced down from the wound, but the man ignored it, instead coaxing Tommy to rest his head in the other's hold.

His eyes almost instinctively fell shut, but he knew he couldn't– wouldn't . Not when Techno knew what had happened, not when this could be the last moment he had alive. Not when this may be the last time he had to see his brother's face, even if it was contorted in rage.

He wondered if Techno would make his death quick; just a snap of the neck or a gun straight to the side of his head. He wouldn't draw it out, or, at the very least, he'd liked to believe he wouldn't. This was his brother . The same person that had saved him from a whirlwind of pain and hurt, instead sheltering him and showering him in love until he couldn't help but grow attached. He wouldn't hurt him too badly, even if he did betray everything he promised he never would.

Maybe if he said it enough he'd actually believe it.

He felt his head lull to the side, savoring the warmth against his cheek, blinking slowly from exhaustion. His entire body felt like it'd been filled with lead from the weakness potion the man had thrown at him, like it was draining his energy and making him nothing but a porcelain doll. He could do nothing but savor the little time he had left, thoughts trapped in a circle of regret and comfort.

The hand holding the side of his cheek gently shifted to cup the back of his head, allowing him to lean back into the hold. It was slightly uncomfortable with the fiery cuts bleeding across his face, given by the same person how treating him with such loving steadiness. Fingers gently carded through his dirtied hair, stiff with dried crimson and asphalt pebbles. He whined, the logic portion of his mind attempting to shift away, but Techno didn't relent, his other arm wrapping around his back to tuck him closer against his chest.

To any outsiders it would be an insane sight. Techno, the infamous, gory Blood God, treating his nemesis with such persevering kindness. Especially while they lie in the ruins of their own battle, the interior of a building nothing but shattered pillars and the floor a mosaic of broken glass. Tommy remembered breaking those same glass windows, a stray throwing knife sending it crumbling like paper. Falling on it while trying to dodge the swing of an axe, ignoring the spikes of agony that rippled through his body like waves.

Glass that his opponent kneeled on to hold his enemy's limp body against his chest, even while he knew the shards had to be digging into his legs.

Because his eternal opponent– his nemesis, the person he was relentlessly trained to kill for a year– was his brother.

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