New Child Aquired!

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Yooo i wrote this in about an hour after obsessively reading vampire aus, enjoy!

Sorry for any mistakes; this is my first time writing vampire sbi <3

Synopsis: Vampire techno stumbles across a newly-turned and abandoned fledgling Tommy. He falls prey to his instincts


The last thing Techno expected to find while on a hunt was a starved fledgling.

To say it came as a surprise would be an understatement. Being surprised was when he found the nearby coven tearing apart a toddler for blood, or perhaps when one of the foreign vampires he worked with tried to kill his leader. No, Techno was well acquainted with being surprised.

But the weak form laying on the pavement, scraps and bruises coating their gaunt arms and hair coated in dirt and grime left him in a state of shock, pausing midstep and almost slipping in the drizzle of rain that had begun to fly down.

It was difficult to tell if the child was even still alive. They weren't breathing, though that was quite normal for a newborn fledgling, like the child appeared to be. Even from his distance, he could tell that the bite mark on their neck was brand new, still dripping blood down the child's neck. If he had to guess, the kid had been attacked not even a few hours ago. He probably wasn't even meant to be turned.

The sight filled his heart with pity, the voices in his head flooding with coos of adoration and love. But Techno remained stoic, hand still gripping tightly to the bag in his hand, hearts of trespassing vampires sealed tightly inside to be sold to witches. He had a mission to do. He couldn't allow himself to be distracted by a mere fledgling; that was Phil's job to fret over the unfortunate. Techno had long trained himself out of the feeling.

But he couldn't very well leave the child alone here, now could he? Some nearby creatures could easily slip from the shadows to rip his skin from bone, the young vampire too weak to even lift an arm in defense. He may be cruel, but Techno liked to believe he was above an act of such a cruel degree.

Phil-Wil-help-fledgling-hurt-help- he channeled through his coven bond, a bought of his emotions following suit. Unsure-worried-cautious.

The response came almost instantly, his brother's reply harried with a familiar lullaby-like tone, a carried trait from his Siren ancestors. The infliction almost gave Techno a headache as the words echoed through the recesses of his mind; a demand.

Where-fledgling-darling-mine-help- chorused a twin of both his caretaker and his brother's voices, panic dancing at the end of their words.


Yes. came the deafening reply, impossible to ignore.

Techno flinched, but took a few steps over to the child regardless, puddles splashing beneath his boots.

Truthfully, he had no interest in a fledgling; he never had, and doubted he ever would in the future. His engraved duty as the coven protector gave him enough stress on the daily with the combined worry as to where his family was at all times and the constant need to hunt, even if he wasn't hungry.

But he knew Wilbur would murder him if he let such an opportunity pass. His brother was desperate for someone new to cling to, someone who would bring interest to his boring immortal life. Someone to shower with his affection and attention until he ran out, casting them out into the world with the faint promise of their protection.

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