Betrayal Brings Truths (That I Will Use Against You)

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HEY GUYS *slams the door open, throwing lists full of angst and hurt/comfort at you with concerning speeds* YOU LIKE ANGST, KID? YOU LIKE HURT/COMFORT? YOU LIKE FLUFF? THEN DO I HAVE THE FIC FOR YOU

Complete with betrayal (as per the whumptober prompt this is for: betrayal/mind control), platonic cuddling because we all love that an unhealthy amount, and both bedrock bros and crimebois content in ONE fic


TWs: manipulation, mind control 

Synopsis: when Wilbur betrays the Syndicate, Techno and Phil send Tommy to try and find out the truth from the traitor himself


In the end, after the hours of fighting, screaming, and wiping away the tears that he couldn't control, Tommy was left a husk.

He didn't feel the pain burning the back of his throat like it had cauterized, formed by suppressed tears that made his vision blur and heartache. He didn't hear anything but the distant ringing reverberating in his ears that sounded far too like a guitar strum. He didn't feel Techno's blood-spattered hand resting on his shoulder, gently guiding him closer to the dark, miserable room where his brother was.

The hallway they walked in was lifeless; full of dull, unground lights and stained walls that seemed to echo the screams of the prisoners they dragged through it. Each step felt heavy, like bricks had been tied to the bottoms of his shoes, as though they were trying to make him sink through the floor. With the flickering lights and blurred vision, it almost felt like he was.

From behind him, Tommy's wings were a filthy mess. The usual bright whites and red hues were faded and covered in a layer of dirt, feathers in a disarray and some twisted so far they almost snapped off. They were nothing compared to the glistening feathers on his father's back, completely unaffected by the fight, but still tucked away tightly against his back. Like he was unbothered. Calm. In control. The feathers weren't even ruffled, merely smoothed down like a painted-on wave of black.

For some inane, childish reason, that was the thing to piss Tommy off.

Why did Phil get to be so normal after the three of them had just gone through hell? Why wasn't he struggling to hold back tears as they stormed down this never ending hallway, intent on locating his brother– Phil's son – through the cells? The cells that they had locked him in?

Why could he pretend he was so okay ?

It wasn't fair.

And Techno– Techno only made it worse. Where Phil was almost entirely stoic, with only the slightest frown on his face to reveal the turmoil inside, Techno was completely emotionless. There wasn't an ounce of expression on his features; no furrow of his brows, no twitch of his hands as they clenched and unclenched, no telltale sign of tears in his eyes. He was just as merciless as he'd always been, even though he'd just rescued Tommy away from the person he'd begun to call his brother . Like it was just another day out on patrol and his family hadn't just been ripped apart by a traitor.

He wasn't weak like Tommy was. He wasn't a distraught child like Tommy was.

His breaths didn't stutter with every step forward, tears running down his face despite his best attempts to stop them. He wasn't like his youngest brother; the kid playing dress-up in a villain's costume, savoring the protection that Techno's steady hand leading him through flickering lights and rough tile offered him, far too dependent to ever survive on his own.

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